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Symmetric Cartan calculus, the Patterson-Walker metric and symmetric cohomology, joint with F. Moučka. arXiv:2501.12442 [math.DG], 58 pages.
New geometric structures on 3-manifolds: surgery and generalized geometry, joint with J. Porti. arXiv:2402.12471 [math.DG], 15 pages.

On the Equivalence of Generalized Ricci Curvatures, joint with G. Cavalcanti, J. Pedregal. arXiv:2406.06695 [math.DG], 10 pages, accepted for publication in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

On the Gelfand property for complex symmetric pairs. arXiv:1905.11820 [math.RT], 33 pages, accepted for publication in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

Gauge theory for string algebroids, joint work with M. Garcia-Fernandez and C. Tipler. arXiv:2004.11399 [math.DG]
J. Differential Geom. 128 (1), 2024, 77-152.

On the space of null geodesics of a spacetime: the compact case, Engel geometry and retrievability, joint with A. Marín-Salvador. arXiv:2112.06955
Math. Z 306, 15 (2024).

Correction to Representation Growth and Rational Singularities of the Moduli Space of Local System, joint work with A. Aizenbud and N. Avni. arXiv:2111.10370 [math.AG], Inventiones Mathematicae 227, 2022, 1431–1434.

Canonical metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids, joint work with M. Garcia-Fernandez, C. Shahbazi and C. Tipler. arXiv:1803.01873 [math.DG],
Proc. London Math. Soc. 125 (2022), no. 3, 700-758.

Complex Dirac structures: invariants and local structure, joint work with D. Aguero. arXiv:2105.05265 [math.DG]
Comm. Math. Phys. 396 (2022), 623–646.

Holomorphic string algebroids, joint work with M. Garcia-Fernandez and C. Tipler. arXiv:1807.10329 [math.AG],
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373 (10), 2020, 7347-7382.

The Lie group of automorphisms of a Courant algebroid and the moduli space of generalized metrics, joint work with C. Tipler. arXiv:1612.03755 [math.DG].
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 36 (2020), 485-536.

On higher Dirac structures, joint work with H. Bursztyn and N. Martínez Alba. arXiv:1611.02292 [math.SG].
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, Vol. 2019, Issue 5, pp 1503–1542.

Higgs bundles, the Toledo invariant and the Cayley correspondence, joint work with O. Biquard and Ó. García-Prada. arXiv:1511.07751 [math.DG].
Journal of Topology, Volume 10 (3), 2017, pp 795–826.

Infinitesimal moduli for the Strominger system and Killing spinors in generalized geometry, joint with M. Garcia-Fernandez and C. Tipler, arXiv:1503.07562 [math.DG].
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 369 (1–2), 2017, pp 539–595.

Bn-generalized geometry and G2(2)-structures, arXiv:1301.3330 [math.DG].
Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 73, 2013, 150-156.

Generalized geometry of type Bn, University of Oxford. Supervised by Nigel Hitchin. Available on ProQuest LLC, 2014.

Higgs bundles and Hermitian symmetric spaces, ICMAT and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Supervised by Óscar Garcia-Prada. Available on ProQuest LLC, 2012.

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