GENTLE (Generalized Geometry: connections, naturality and low dimensions)
Knowledge Generation programme 2022, PID2022-137667NA-I00. Research team: Roberto Rubio (PI), José Navarro Garmendia. Work team: Gil Cavalcanti, Luis E. García, Rafael Torres. PhD students: Filip Moucka, Jaime Pedregal. Check the GENTLE website for more details. |
Generalized geometry, 3-manifolds and Gelfand pairs Ramón y Cajal fellowship additional funding, RYC2020-030114-I. Individual project: Roberto Rubio (PI). |

LIGAT (Interactions Lab between Geometry, Algebra, and Topology) Research Group of the Generalitat de Catalunya number 2021 SGR 01015. 26 members. Check the LIGAT website. |

Geometry and Physics network Research Networks programme, RED2022-134463-T. Consortium of 9 nodes. Coordinator of the UAB node. |

GENKA (Non-Kähler geometry and mirror symmetry) Knowledge Generation programme 2019, PID2019-109339GA-C32. Research team: Mario Garcia-Fernandez (PI), Roberto Rubio. 2020-2023 |

Differential-geometric aspects of algebraic representation theory Grants for the requalification of the Spanish university system - Universitat de Barcelona. Individual grant. 2022. |

Generalized geometry, Lie groups and Gelfand pairs Beatriu de Pinós MSCA Cofund No 81307, BP 00195. 2020-2021. Experienced researcher. |

GENERALIZED (Generalized geometry: 3-manifolds and applications ) Marie Sklodwoska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 750885. 2018-2021. Experienced researcher. |
Until 2018 I took part in projects and networks funded also by CAPES and FAPERJ (Brazil), NSF (US), FCT (Portugal) and the Madrid region (Spain), to which I am also very grateful.