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Here are some events that I am organizing or have organized.

1-5 Jul 2024 Satellite ECM 2024 Conference: Joint perspectives in Geometry, Algebra and Topology. CRM Barcelona.

25-29 Jun 2024 EMS summer school Geometry, Algebra and Topology in Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and big Data (GATMAID). CRM Barcelona.

2023-2024 Barcelona Mathematics and Machine Learning Colloquium Series (online). Check the website.

May-Oct 2022 Joint CRM-ICMAT Intensive Research Programme Poisson, co-chair at CRM.

13-17 Jun 2022 Generalized Geometry in Interaction, ICMAT.

15 Nov 2021 ONEW on Generalized Connections and Curvature, Universitat de Barcelona.

26 Oct 2021 ONEW on Higher Dirac structures, Universitat de Barcelona.

23-24 Oct 2020 Barcelona Mathematical Days 2020. Special session on Geometric Structures.

8-19 Jul 2019 40-hour Summer course on generalized geometry for last-year undergraduate students, UAB. Participation through travel+accommodation grant.

7-11 Dec 2015 First joint meeting SBM - SBMAC - RSME, Fortaleza. Special session on Poisson and generalized geometries.

23 Jul - 3 Aug 2012 First Junior Retreat, Research Network Geometric Structures and Representation Varieties, GEAR (NSF), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Jan-Jun 2012 Seminar “The Generalized Hour”, Mathematical Institute, Oxford.

2006-2009 ICMAT Geometry Junior Seminar, perhaps the first graduate seminar in Spain.

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