Sneha B., N. Bala, S. Panja, J. Sarkar
Liftings and invariant subspaces of Hankel operators
D. Beltran, J. Duncan, J. Hickman
Localised variants of multilinear restriction
J. Bergström, F. Cléry
Dimension formulas for spaces of vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree two and level two
A. Cantón, J. L. Fernández, P. Fernández, V. J. Maciá
Growth of power series with nonnegative coefficients, and moments of power series distributions
R. Cardona, C. Oms
Existence and classification of $b$-contact structures
M. Castelli
On the indecomposable involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation of finite primitive level
A. Daneshvar, K. Divaani-Aazar
Characterization and examples of commutative isoartinian rings
S. Dascalescu, C. Nastasescu, L. Nastasescu
Picard groups of quasi-Frobenius algebras and a question on Frobenius strongly graded algebras
V. Daskalogiannis, P. Galanopoulos, M. Papadimitrakis
A nontrivial variant of Hilbert’s inequality, and an application to the norm of the Hilbert matrix on the Hardy-Littlewood spaces
F. di Plinio, M. Flórez-Amatriain, I. Parissis, L. Roncal
Pointwise localization and sharp weighted bounds for Rubio de Francia square functions
J. Gabe, A. Miller
Self-adjoint traces on the Pedersen ideal of C*-algebras
W. Górny, J. M. Mazón
A duality-based approach to gradient flows of linear growth functionals
Ł. Kamiński, A. Osękowski
Weighted stability estimates for maximal operators
C. Lei, Y. Lei
Ground state solutions of the Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater equation with double critical exponents
D. Marín, L. Queiroz, J. Villadelprat
The period of the limit cycle bifurcating from a persistent polycycle
A. Maróti, J. Miquel Martínez, A. A. Schaeffer Fry, C. Vallejo
On almost $p$-rational characters in principal blocks
A. Molinuevo, F. Quallbrunn
The singular locus of $q$-logarithmic foliations
D. T. Nkansah
Nakayama functors on proper abelian subcategories
C. Pasnicu, M. Rouzbehani
Topological dimension zero and some related properties
W. Pitsch
Some remarks on the Maslov index