

E. Artal Bartolo, J. I. Cogolludo-Agustín, J. Martín-Morales
Cyclic coverings of rational normal surfaces which are quotients of a product of curves

S.-S. Byun, K. Kim, D. Kumar
Regularity results for a class of nonlocal double phase equations with VMO coefficients

J. Cano Torres, P. Fortuny Ayuso, J. Ribón
Complexity of Puiseux solutions of differential and $q$-difference equations of order and degree one

M. Castelli
On the indecomposable involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation of finite primitive level

D. Chamorro, B. Poggi
On an almost sharp Liouville type theorem for fractional Navier-Stokes equations

I. Colazzo, M. Ferrara, M. Trombetti
On derived-indecomposable solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation

S. Dantas, M. Jung, M. Mazzitelli, J. Tomás Rodríguez
On the strong subdifferentiability of the homogeneous polynomials and (symmetric) tensor products

S. Dascalescu, C. Nastasescu, L. Nastasescu
Picard groups of quasi-Frobenius algebras and a question on Frobenius strongly graded algebras

A. Dimca, G. Ilardi
On the duals of smooth projective complex hypersurfaces

J. Galindo, E. Jordá, A. Rodríguez-Arenas
Uniformly ergodic probability measures

S. Ghara, J. Mashreghi, T. Ransford
Summability and duality

W. Górny, J. M. Mazón
A duality-based approach to gradient flows of linear growth functionals

R. Jawad, N. Snashall, R. Taillefer
A combinatorial characterisation of $d$-Koszul and $(D,A)$-stacked monomial algebras that satisfy (FG)

E. W. H. Lee
Uncountable interval of varieties of involution semigroups sharing a common semigroup variety reduct

D. Marín, L. Queiroz, J. Villadelprat
The period of the limit cycle bifurcating from a persistent polycycle

J.-J. Moyano-Fernández, M. Nickel, J. Roé
Newton-Okounkov bodies and Picard numbers on surfaces

I. Mundet i Riera
Jordan property for homeomorphism groups and almost fixed point property

L. Vas
Porcupine-quotient graphs, the fourth primary color, and graded composition series of Leavitt path algebras

F. Villarroya Alvarez
New local $T1$ theorems on non-homogeneous spaces

B. A. F. Wehrfritz
On groups of finite Prüfer rank