Polynomial Planar Phase Portraits


This window is automatically opened when the P4 program calls the Maple/Reduce part of P4, i.e. each time one tries to evaluate a vector field (or when one tries to plot a greatest common factor in the plot window).

One should not use this window to extract mathematical information on the vector field; use this window rather to find out if something has gone wrong, to see how long the computation has been going on, to terminate a computation that is too lengthy, etc. (To see extensive math information, use the   in the main P4 window after the computation has finished.)

For example, to see if a computation is finished, the window could look like

The sentence "We have finished the study of the vector field" indicates a successful study.

Sometimes, the program fails for a reason that is not immediately clear. One could get a window like:

In this particular case, something went wrong with the program settings: P4 failed to start maple. Use the Settings Window to enter the settings.

Also the following error is an indication that something is wrong with the P4 settings:

In this particular case, the P4 base path is chosen wrong.

Sometimes, you have mis-entered the vector field:

You get this error when the vector field you have specified is not polynomial, when the coefficients remain unknown (most likely you have a typo-error in the names of the parameters or you have x2 somewhere instead of x^2...).

In the last example, you can see how Maple reacts when it has a quite lengthy computation:

In this particular example, Maple is busy trying to solve for all singular points for a system of degree 20.


Note: closing the output window using the  button will not terminate any ongoing maple session.

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