Polynomial Planar Phase Portraits


The settings window can be reached from the main P4 window, by pressing the  button. From within the "P4 About box", you can access the main settings window.

The settings that you can set here are to be set after installation. When you exit P4, these settings will be saved (in the windows version using the windows registry, in the linux version using a hidden settings file).

Most users will not have to edit these settings, except maybe for the setting in the field  (see below).

After you have entered the settings, press the  to confirm the changes. Press  to cancel any changes.

The   button will reset the settings. In particular P4 will then try to locate Maple automatically by inspecting the windows registry.

Note: It is advised to try to study a trivial vector field, like {xdot=-y, ydot=x}, using P4, in order to test the installation.

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