
Deforming Euclidean cone 3-manifolds. (ps or pdf) J. Porti, H. Weiss

Hyperbolic isometries versus symmetries of links. (ps or pdf) L. Paoluzzi, J. Porti.

Non compact Euclidan cone 3-manifolds with cone angles less than 2 pi. (ps or pdf) D. Cooper, Joan Porti


Geometrization of 3-dimensional orbifolds           M. Boileau, B. Leeb, J. Porti.  Annals of Math. 162 (2005), no. 1, 195--250
Deformations of reducible representations of 3-manifold groups into PSL(2,C). M. Heusener, J. Porti,    Algebraic and Geometric Topology 5 (2005), 965--997.
Spherical cone structures on 2-bridge knots and links  J. Porti    Kobe J.  Math. 21 (2004), no. 1-2, 61—70.
The variety of characters in PSL(2,C)  M. Heusener,  J. Porti,     Bol. Soc Mat. Mex. 10 (2004) no. 3.
Mayberry-Murasugi's formula for links in homology 3-spheres.  J. Porti  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 11, 3423--3431
Three-Dimensional Orbifolds and their Geometric Structures  M. Boileau, S. Maillot, J. Porti  Panoramas et Synthèses, 15. Société Mathématique de France, Paris, 2003. viii+167 pp.
Regenerating hyperbolic cone structures from Nil J. Porti  Geometry and Topology, Vol. 6 (2002), 815-852.
On the Hausdorff dimension of the Gieseking fractal  W. Dicks, J. Porti   Topology and its Applications) 126 (2002), 169--186
Regenerating singular hyperbolic structures from Sol.   M. Heusener, J. Porti, E. Suárez  J. Differential Geom. 59 (2001), 439-478
Unifomization of small 3-orbifolds  M. Boileau, B. Leeb, J. Porti.   C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 332 (2001) 57--62.
Geometrization of 3-orbifolds of cyclic type M. Boileau, J. Porti  Astérisque 272, (2001)
Deformations of reducible representations of 3-manifold groups into SL(2,C) M. Heusener, J. Porti, E. Suárez.  J. Reine Angew. Math. 530 (2001), 191--227.
Negatively oriented ideal triangulations and a proof of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn filling theorem.   C. Petronio, J. Porti, Expo. Math. 18 (2000), no. 1, 1--35.
The boundary of the Gieseking tree in hyperbolic three-space.  R. C. Alperin, Warren Dicks, J. Porti.   Topology Appl. 93 (1999), no. 3, 219--259. 
Expressing a number as the sum of two coprime squares.  Warren Dicks,  J. Porti. Dedicated to the memory of Fernando Serrano. Collect. Math. 49 (1998), no. 2-3, 283--291.
Regenerating hyperbolic and spherical cone structures from Euclidean ones. J. Porti  Topology 37 (1998), no. 2, 365--392.
Torsion de Reidemeister pour les variétés hyperboliques. J. Porti  Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (1997), no. 612, x+139 pp.
Torsion de Reidemeister pour les variétés hyperboliques.  J. Porti C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 320 (1995), no. 1, 59--64.