BARCELONA TOPOLOGY WORKSHOP 2006 Author: Joachim Kock, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Title: Commutativity in double semigroups and symmetry in two-fold monoidal categories Abstract: A concrete computation - twelve slidings with sixteen tiles - reveals that certain commutativity phenomena occur in every double semigroup. This can be seen as a sort of Eckmann-Hilton argument, but it does not use units. The result implies in particular that all cancellative double semigroups and all inverse double semigroups are commutative. Stepping up one dimension, the result is used to prove that all strictly associative two-fold monoidal categories are symmetric. In particular, strictly associative one-object, one-arrow 3-groupoids (but still with weak units) cannot realise all simply-connected homotopy 3-types.