Polynomial Planar Phase Portraits


In this window you will be allowed to draw any orbit you wish by simply clicking on the starting point and the direction you wish to integrate. Once you are inside this window you simply need to click with the left button of your mouse anywhere inside the Poincare(-Lyapunov) Disc or the Real Plane (depending which Plot window you have).
In order to conveniently integrate orbits, some keyboard shortcuts have been introduced when the plot window (or zoom window) is the active window:

Note: Sometimes it may seem that P4 refuses to assign a point as initial point after you click in the phase plane. This could be caused by the fact that the Limit Cycles window is open. In such a case, a mouse click has a different purpose.

The integration will be performed according to the settings specified in the Parameters of Integration window: if you want to change the stepsize, the accurracy etc, then you have to do so that window.

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