Republic of Rome "LUPUS" History

Period   Middle Republic

Turn     8

I. Mortality Phase
Roll of "5" -- Claudius of ARMILLAE, governor of Africa dies. Knight lost. 
                #5 Claudius moved to Curia.
--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury             183
Unrest Level         3
Land Bills           1/II.
Laws                 Servillian Law (Scalae)
Legions              18: 14Reg/4Vet
Fleets               4
Active Wars          
Inactive Wars        1st Cilician Pirates*@     (3/2/8 D18:S15) 10T Cilicia-Cyprus
                     2nd Sicilian Slave Revolt@ (7/1 D7:S15)
Leaders              none
Cards in Deck        8/43
HRAO                 Quinctius of ARMILLAE

           --- Forum ---
Events               Drought (2)
Provinces            Africa:1 [9-10-11]
Senators             #3     Valerius     1  2 10  5  0  
Concessions          "Land Comissioner"
           --- Curia ---
Senators             #19    Aemilius     4  2  8  1  0 
                     #11    Papirius     1  2  6  3  0
                     #5     Claudius     2  3  7  4  0
                     #25    Sempronius   1  3  6  3  0  
Concessions          none   "Sicilian Grain"
Leaders              none

--- Factions ---

*** Catamites      Treasury: 0t    Influence:2  Votes:0/4 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P 
#14  L Aelius       3  4  7  2  0  (NEARER SPAIN:2 [7-8-9]) "Tax Farmer 3" -Cor- 15t
       4 Cards

*** Vesuvius       Treasury: 0t    Influence:30  Votes:2/14 +1/+1 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#7   L Fulvius      2  2  8  8  0  P 32t 
#10    Junius       1  2  8  3  0  7t (GREECE:3 [8-9-10]) "Tax Farmer 2"
#23A   P. Laenas    2  5  6 17  6  pc LA 1Kni (SARDINIA-CORSICA:2 [7-8-9])
#22    Porcius      2  4 10  2  0  (Narbonese Gaul:1 [6-7-8])
       3 Cards
*** Iridis         Treasury: 39t   Influence:31  Votes:8/10 +1/+1
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#13    Flaminius    4  2  6 16  4  pc 4Kni "Mining" 13t 
#20    Terentius    2  1  6  4  0  (CISALPINE-GAUL:2 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
#21  L Servilius    3  4  9  5  0  P 5t
#17    Plautius     2  1  6  5  0  (ASIA:2 [7-8-9])   
       4 Cards
*** Scalae         Treasury: 60t   Influence:65  Votes:11/17 +3/+3
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#2   L Fabius       4  2  9 20  0  2Kni pc "Tax Farmer 4" 10t (Illyricum:3 [8-9-10])
#9     Aurelius     2  3  7  9  3  pc P 2Kni  "Tax Farmer 1" 6t 
#12    Acilius      2  2  7 11  4  (SICILY:2 [7-8-9]) LA -Cor-
#15    Sulpicius    3  2  8 16  6  pc 3Kni "Harbour Fees" "Egyptian Grain" 
#16    Calpurnius   1  2  9 10  0  -PM- -Veto
       3 Cards
*** Hellas         Treasury: 35t   Influence:43  Votes:9/15
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#8   L Furius       3  3  8 16  5  pc 3Kni LA 5t (FURTHER SPAIN:3 [8-9-10])
#24    Cassius      3  3  9 18  2  pc 2Kni -CE- 
#1B    P. Cornelius 4  3  7 10  1  pc 1Kni -FC- "Ship Building"
       5 Cards
*** Armillae       Treasury: 39t   Influence:29  Votes:8
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#4     Julius       4  3  9 16 10  LA pc 1Kni  
#6     Manlius      3  2  7  7  0  "Tax Farmer 5" 
#18  L Quinctius    3  2  6  6  1  pc -RC- "Tax Farmer 6" 5t
       4 Cards

*** Unaligned Senators
#3     Valerius     1  2 10  5  0
--- Roman Forces ---
Pool                      7 Leg                    21 Fle
Rome                     15 Leg: 12Reg/3Vet         4 Fle
Sicily                    3 Leg:  2Reg/1Vet         0 Fle
--- Legion Allegiance ---
IV   Furius
VI   Popillius Laenas
VII  Julius
VIII Acilius
--- Provincial Forces ---
Province             Base Arm Fle  Max  Tax Gov Notes
CISALPINE-GAUL     b  2/0  10  0  10/0   20  2  0Reg, +14 vs Raids
FURTHER SPAIN      b  4/0  10  0  10/0   20  3  0Reg, +17 vs Raids
Illyricum          b  2/0   0  0   5/0    5  4  0Reg, +6 vs Raids 
NEARER SPAIN       b  2/0   6  0  10/0   15  3  0Reg, +11 vs Raids
SARDINIA-CORSICA      1/0   1  5   1/5   10  2
SICILY                2/0  10  5  10/5   40  2  2Reg/1Vet
Narbonese Gaul        1/0   3  0   5/0   10  2
Africa                3/5   5  3   5/3   20  0
GREECE             b  5/5   6  6  10/10  40  2  0Reg, +13 vs Raids
ASIA                  6/5   3  2  10/10  50  2
II. Revenue Phase
--- Personal Income
                 Personal    Personal
Province           Roll       Income   Governor
CISALPINE GAUL    (6,-)          9     Terentius IRIDIS Corrupt!.
FURTHER SPAIN     (6,-)          7     Furius HELLAS Corrupt!.
Illyricum         (5,-)          2     Fabius SCALAE Corrupt!.
NEARER SPAIN      (1,-)         -1     Aelius CATAMITES Corrupt!.
SARDINIA-CORSICA  (.,-)          -     P. Laenas VESUVIUS Honest.
SICILY            (4,-)          8     Acilius SCALAE Corrupt!.
Narbonese Gaul    ( ,-)                Porcius VESUVIUS Honest.
Africa            ( ,-)                No governor
GREECE            ( ,-)                Junius VESUVIUS Honest.
ASIA              (6,-)         12     Plautius IRIDIS Corrupt!.
Negative Personal Income Total: -1

--- Province Development
Illyricum         4+0=3          Does not develope.
Narbonese Gaul    5+1=6          Developes. Porcius gets 3 INF
Africa                           No governor
--- State Income
                  State        State      Local
Province           Roll       Income      Taxes
CISALPINE-GAUL    (2,6)         7          20 
FURTHER SPAIN     (6,-)         5          20
Illyricum         (5,-)        -6          5
NEARER SPAIN      (6,-)         7          15 
SARDINIA-CORSICA  (5,-)        -4          10    
SICILY            (5,-)         7          40    
NARBONESSE GAUL   (2,-)         3          20    
Africa            (.,.)         3          No governor
GREECE            (3,3)         8          40
ASIA              (5,1)         9          50
State Income Totals            39
Pontifex Maximus Income = 6

--- Personal Treasuries
Sulpicius of SCALAE abuses from Egyptian Grain. Gets 5t more and loses 2POP
Faction     Old  + Income + Provinces = Total
Catamites    15  +     5  +     0     =  20
Vesuvius     39  +     9  +     0     =  48
Iridis       57  +    13  +    21     =  91
Scalae       76  +    37  +    10     = 123
Hellas       40  +    11  +     7     =  58
Armillae     44  +    10  +     0     =  54

--- State Treasury
Provincial Income = State Income + Negative Personal Income: 39 - 1 = 38
Annual Revenue = 100 
Force Maintenance = 44 (18 Legions/4 Fleets)
Land Bills =  5
Active Wars = 0
Current State Treasury = 183
New State Treasury = 183 + 38 + 100 - 44 - 5 = 272

--- Provincial Unit Builds
Illyricum           None
NEARER SPAIN        1 Army
SICILY              Full
Africa              Full
GREECE              2 Armies and 2 Fleets
Asia                3 Armies and 2 Fleets

--- Governor Terms
CISALPINE-GAUL   Terentius    Iridis       : Begins term 3. -cor-
FURTHER SPAIN    Furius       Hellas       : Begins term 2. -cor- 
Illyricum        Fabius       Scalae       : Begins term 2. -cor-
NEARER SPAIN     Aelius       Catamites    : Begins term 3. -cor-
SARDINIA-CORSICA P. Laenas    Vesuvius     : Begins term 3.
SICILY           Acilius      Scalae       : Begins term 3. -cor-
NARBONESSE GAUL  Porcius      Vesuvius     : Returns to Rome. Honest. 
Africa           No governor               : 
GREECE           Junius       Vesuvius     : Begins term 2. 
ASIA             Plautius     Iridis       : Begins term 3. -cor-

--- Contributions and Transfers
--- Factions ---

*** Catamites      Treasury: 0t    Influence:2  Votes:0/4 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P 
#14  L Aelius       3  4  7  2  0  (NEARER SPAIN:1 [7-8-9]) "Tax Farmer 3" -Cor- 20t
       4 Cards

*** Vesuvius       Treasury: 0t    Influence:33  Votes:6/14 +1/+1 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#7   L Fulvius      2  2  8  8  0  P 32t 
#10    Junius       1  2  8  3  0  7t (GREECE:3 [8-9-10]) "Tax Farmer 2"
#23A   P. Laenas    2  5  6 17  6  pc LA 1Kni (SARDINIA-CORSICA:1 [7-8-9])
#22    Porcius      2  4 10  5  0  9t
       3 Cards
*** Iridis         Treasury: 50t   Influence:31  Votes:8/10 +1/+1
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#13    Flaminius    4  2  6 16  4  pc 4Kni "Mining" 36t 
#20    Terentius    2  1  6  4  0  (CISALPINE-GAUL:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
#21  L Servilius    3  4  9  5  0  P 5t
#17    Plautius     2  1  6  5  0  (ASIA:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
       4 Cards
*** Scalae         Treasury: 98t   Influence:65  Votes:11/17 +3/+3
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#2   L Fabius       4  2  9 20  0  2Kni pc "Tax Farmer 4" 5t (Illyricum:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#9     Aurelius     2  3  7  9  3  pc P 2Kni  "Tax Farmer 1" 5t 
#12    Acilius      2  2  7 11  4  (SICILY:1 [7-8-9]) LA -Cor- 5t
#15    Sulpicius    3  2  8 16  4  pc 3Kni "Harbour Fees" "Egyptian Grain" 5t
#16    Calpurnius   1  2  9 10  0  -PM- +Veto 5t
       3 Cards
*** Hellas         Treasury: 40t   Influence:43  Votes:9/15
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#8   L Furius       3  3  8 16  5  pc 3Kni LA (FURTHER SPAIN:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#24    Cassius      3  3  9 18  2  pc 2Kni -CE- 8t 
#1B    P. Cornelius 4  3  7 10  1  pc 1Kni -FC- "Ship Building" 10t
       5 Cards
*** Armillae       Treasury: 37t   Influence:29  Votes:8
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#4     Julius       4  3  9 16 10  LA pc 1Kni 10t
#6     Manlius      3  2  7  7  0  "Tax Farmer 5"
#18  L Quinctius    3  2  6  6  1  -RC- "Tax Farmer 6" 7t
       4 Cards
*** Unaligned Senators
#3     Valerius     1  2 10  5  0
III. Forum Phase

--- 1st Initiative: Armillae
Initiative Roll 7: EVENT! rolls 14 Allied Enthusiams
Julius tries to persuade unaligned Valerius with 0t
Base number (3+16-10=9)
Bribes starting with CATAMITES (0,0,0,0,0,0)
Dice roll 10 -> fails! Valerius remains in Forum with 0t
Quinctius spends 0t to attract a Knight: rolls a 5 + 0t = 5; fails!
--- 2nd Initiative: Catamites
Initiative Roll 11: Draws a Red Card.
--- 3rd Initiative: Vesuvius
Initiative Roll 8: Draws a Red Card.
Fulvius tries to persuade unaligned Valerius with 9t
Base number (2+8+9-10=9)
Bribes starting with IRIDIS (0,0,0,0,0,0)
Dice roll 8 -> gets! Valerius joins Vesuvius with 9t
Fulvius spends 0t to attract a Knight: rolls a 2 + 0t = 2; fails!
--- 4th Initiative: Iridis
Initiative Roll 10: Draws Spanish Revolt. Active war.
Servilius spends 5t to attract a Knight: rolls a 3 + 5t = 8; gets!
--- 5th Initiative: Scalae
Initiative Roll 7: EVENT! rolls 7 Mob Violence!!!
Unrest is 3. Crowds enter searching for: 23, 20 and 1
#23A   P. Laenas    is not in Rome (and his pop would have saved anyway)
#20    Terentius    is not in Rome 
#1B    P. Cornelius is killed by mob (pop of 1). 1Kni and 10t lost. Ship building
                    moved to Forum and #1 in Curia
Calpurnius spends 4t to attract a Knight: rolls a 5 + 4t +1(L) = 10; gets!
--- 6th Initiative: Hellas
Initiative Roll 8: Draws a Red Card.
Sicilian Grain will be destroyed at the start of the Senate Phase.
Cassius spends 0t to attract a Knight: rolls a 6 + 0t = 6; gets!
--- Curia Rolls
#19    Aemilius     rolls 5. remains in Curia 
#11    Papirius     rolls 6. Return to Forum 
#5     Claudius     rolls 3. remains in Curia 
#25    Sempronius   rolls 1. remains in Curia 
#1     Cornelius    rolls 1. remains in Curia 
"Sicilian Grain"    rolls 2. remains in Curia
--- Factions ---
*** Catamites      Treasury: 0t    Influence:2  Votes:0/4 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P 
#14  L Aelius       3  4  7  2  0  (NEARER SPAIN:1 [7-8-9]) "Tax Farmer 3" -Cor- 20t
       5 Cards

*** Vesuvius       Treasury: 0t    Influence:38  Votes:8/16 +1/+1 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#3     Valerius     1  2 10  5  0  9t
#7   L Fulvius      2  2  8  8  0  P 23t 
#10    Junius       1  2  8  3  0  7t (GREECE:3 [8-9-10]) "Tax Farmer 2"
#23A   P. Laenas    2  5  6 17  6  pc LA 1Kni (SARDINIA-CORSICA:1 [7-8-9])
#22    Porcius      2  4 10  5  0  9t
       4 Cards
*** Iridis         Treasury: 50t   Influence:31  Votes:9/11 +1/+1
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#13    Flaminius    4  2  6 16  4  pc 4Kni "Mining" 36t 
#20    Terentius    2  1  6  4  0  (CISALPINE-GAUL:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
#21  L Servilius    3  4  9  5  0  P 1Kni
#17    Plautius     2  1  6  5  0  (ASIA:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
       4 Cards
*** Scalae         Treasury: 98t   Influence:65  Votes:13/19 +3/+3
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#2   L Fabius       4  2  9 20  0  2Kni pc "Tax Farmer 4" 5t (Illyricum:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#9     Aurelius     2  3  7  9  3  pc P 2Kni  "Tax Farmer 1" 5t 
#12    Acilius      2  2  7 11  4  (SICILY:1 [7-8-9]) LA -Cor- 5t
#15    Sulpicius    3  2  8 16  4  pc 3Kni "Harbour Fees" "Egyptian Grain" 5t
#16    Calpurnius   1  2  9 10  0  -PM- 1Kni +Veto 1t
       3 Cards
*** Hellas         Treasury: 40t   Influence:34  Votes:6/12
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#8   L Furius       3  3  8 16  5  pc 3Kni LA (FURTHER SPAIN:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#24    Cassius      3  3  9 18  2  pc 3Kni -CE- 8t 
       6 Cards
*** Armillae       Treasury: 37t   Influence:29  Votes:8
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#4     Julius       4  3  9 16 10  LA pc 1Kni 10t
#6     Manlius      3  2  7  7  0  "Tax Farmer 5"
#18  L Quinctius    3  2  6  6  1  pc -RC- "Tax Farmer 6" 7t
       4 Cards
*** Unaligned Senators
#11    Papirius     1  2  6  3  0
IV. Population Phase
HRAO is Quinctius of ARMILLAE -RC-
Current Unrest Level   3 + 2 (Drought) = 5
HRAO Popularity        1
Population Roll        15 + 1 - 5 = 11 No change
New Unrest Level       5
V. Senate Phase
***Votes Available = 46/50 (Cat:0 Ves:8/9 Iri:11/12 Sca:13/16 Hel:6 Arm:8)
Quinctius of ARMILLAE (-RC-) is presiding Magistrate
1. Consuls
Quinctius nominates Servilius of IRIDIS and Fulvius of VESUVIUS
Aurelius of SCALAE spends 5t
Votes:         8  -18  11  0   6   8   = 15 passes!
Servilius selects Rome Consul (gains 5 Influence and PC marker) 
Fulvius selects Field Consul (gains 5 Influence and PC marker)
Servilius of IRIDIS (-RC-) is presiding Magistrate
3. Censor
Servilius nominates Aurelius of SCALAE
Votes:         13  -6  -8   0  -8 -11   = -20 fails!
Servilius nominates Quinctius of ARMILLAE
Votes:         13  -6  8   0   8   11  = 34 passes
Quinctius of ARMILLAE becomes Censor (gains 5 Inf)
4. Prosecutions
Quinctius of ARMILLAE (-CE-) is presiding Magistrate

Quinctius designates Porcius of VESUVIUS as prosecutor of a Minor Prosecution
against Calpurnius of SCALAE for his unfair deploy of PM duty.
***Votes Available = 54 (Cat:0 Ves:8 Iri:9 Sca:23 Hel:6 Arm:8)
Votes:        Vetoed by PM 

Quinctius designates Flaminius of IRIDIS as prosecutor of a Minor Prosecution
against Aurelius of SCALAE for his unfair deploy with TF1.
***Votes Available = 53 (Cat:0 Ves:8 Iri:9 Sca:22 Hel:6 Arm:8)
Aurelius appeals to populace. Rolls 3 + 1 + 3(POP) = 7 +0 votes
Sulpicius of SCALAE pays 5t 
Calpurnius of SCALAE pays 1t
Total votes of SCALAE = 28
Cassius of HELLAS pays 8t
Total votes of HELLAS = 28 
Votes:        -28 -14  0   8   11  8  = -15 INNOCENT!!!
5. Governors
Servilius of IRIDIS (-RC-) is presiding Magistrate
Servilius proposes Aurelius of Scalae as governor of Africa
Votes:         13  0   8   0   8   11 = 40 passes
Aurelius leaves Rome
***Votes Available = 41/44 (Cat:0 Ves:8/9 Iri:11/12 Sca:8/10 Hel:6 Arm:8)
Servilius proposes Valerius of Vesuvius as governor of NARBONESE GAUL
Votes:         8   6   8   0   0   11 = 33 passes
Valerius leaves Rome
***Votes Available = 39/42 (Cat:0 Ves:6/9 Iri:11/12 Sca:8/10 Hel:6 Arm:8)
6. Open Session
Servilius proposes the dismissal of Pontifex Maximus Calpurnius of SCALAE 
(2/3 needed, that is, 26 positive votes needed)
Votes:         -8  0   8   0  6+3  11 = 28/8 (28 positive over 42 available) passes
3t paid by Fulvius of Vesuvius.
Calpurnius is removed from Pontifex Maximus. Losses 5Inf
***Votes Available = 39/40 (Cat:0 Ves:6/9 Iri:11/12 Sca:8 Hel:6 Arm:8)
Servilius proposes the assignment of "Land Comissioner" to Flaminius of IRIDIS 
             and the assignment of "Ship Building" to Manlius of ARMILLAE
Votes:         8   -6  0   6   11  8 = 27 passes
Concessions assigned
Servilius proposes 
0) Recall veteran legion VIII from Sicily
1) Build 14 fleets
2) Build 5 legions
3) Send FC Fulvius to fight Spanish Revolts with 2 fleets, 2 veteran legions (IV and VII)
   and 11 regular legions
4) Send RC Servilius to fight Cilician Pirates with 16 fleets, 2 veteran legions (VI and VIII)
   and 8 regular legions
Voting Order: SCA HEL CAT VES ARM IRI   
Votes:        -8   6   0   6   8   12 = 24 passes
Manlius of Armillae gets 42t
14 fleets and 5 legions added
Treasury = 272 - 190 = 82
Fulvius and Servilius leave Rome
Senate adjourned
VI. Combat Phase
Servilius attacks the 1st Cilician Pirates in Sea 
with 16 fleets, loaded with 10 legions (2 veteran). War becomes active.
1st Cilician Pirates*@     (3/2/8 D18:S15)
Servilius has a strength of 16 + 3 = 19
Combat Bonus is 19 - 8 = +11
Rolls a 10 + 11 = 21 ;  Victory! No losses
Mortality chits: None Servilius survives
Servilius gains 4 Inf & 4 Pop
1st Cilician Pirates Naval defeated (no buttiny yet)
Unrest decreases by 1 from 5 to 4
Servilius attacks the 1st Cilician Pirates in Land
with 16 fleets and 10 legions (2 veteran).
1st Cilician Pirates*@     (3/2/8 D18:S15)
Servilius has a strength of 14 + 3 = 17
Combat Bonus is 17 - 3 = +14
Rolls a 10 + 14 = 24 ;  Victory! No losses
Mortality chits: None Servilius survives
Servilius gains 2 Inf & 2 Pop
Veteran Legion IX created; aligned to Servilius
1st Cilician Pirates discarded (10t added to treasury) Drought removed.
Province of Cilicia-Cyprus created 
Unrest decreases by 1 from 4 to 3
Fulvius attacks the Spanish Revolts with 2 fleets and 13 legions (2 veteran).
Spanish Revolts            (6/2   D6:S11,16)
Fulvius has a strength of 15 + 2 = 17
Combat Bonus is 17 - 6 = +11
Rolls a 15 + 11 = 26 ;  Victory! No losses
Mortality chits: None Fulvius survives
Fulvius gains 3 Inf & 3 Pop
Veteran Legion X created; aligned to Fulvius
Spanish Revolts discarded (0t added to treasury)
Unrest decreases by 1 from 3 to 2
VII. Revolution Phase
Both consuls come back to Rome with their legions.
SCALAE plays @1C  Sulla       4 4  5 5  27A FL 0; Voids Social/Mithridatic War D/S
HELLAS gifts a card to SCALAE
VIII. End of Turn 8
--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury             92
Unrest Level         2
Land Bills           1/II.
Laws                 Servillian Law (Scalae)
Legions              25: 19Reg/6Vet
Fleets               18
Active Wars          
Inactive Wars        2nd Sicilian Slave Revolt@ (7/1 D7:S15) Destroys Sicilian Grain
Leaders              none
Cards in Deck        4/43
HRAO                 Servilius of IRIDIS

           --- Forum ---
Events               Drought (1)
                     Allied Enthusiams
Provinces            Cilicia-Cyprus:3 [10-11-12]
Senators             #11    Papirius     1  2  6  3  0
           --- Curia ---
Senators             #19    Aemilius     4  2  8  1  0 
                     #5     Claudius     2  3  7  4  0
                     #25    Sempronius   1  3  6  3  0
                     #1     Cornelius    4  3  9  5  0

Concessions          "Sicilian Grain"
Leaders              none

--- Factions ---

*** Catamites      Treasury: 0t    Influence:2  Votes:0/4 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P 
#14  L Aelius       3  4  7  2  0  (NEARER SPAIN:1 [7-8-9]) "Tax Farmer 3" -Cor- 20t
       5 Cards

*** Vesuvius       Treasury: 0t    Influence:46  Votes:6/16 +1/+1 
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#3     Valerius     1  2 10  5  0  9t NARBONESSE GAUL:3 [9-10-11]
#7   L Fulvius      2  2  8 16  3  -FC- P pc 20t LA
#10    Junius       1  2  8  3  0  7t (GREECE:3 [8-9-10]) "Tax Farmer 2"
#23A   P. Laenas    2  5  6 17  6  pc LA 1Kni (SARDINIA-CORSICA:1 [7-8-9])
#22    Porcius      2  4 10  5  0  9t
       4 Cards
*** Iridis         Treasury: 50t   Influence:36  Votes:11/13 +1/+1
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P
#13    Flaminius    4  2  6 16  4  pc 4Kni "Mining" "Land Comissioner" 36t 
#20    Terentius    2  1  6  4  0  (CISALPINE-GAUL:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
#21  L Servilius    3  4  9 16  6  -RC- P pc 1Kni LA
#17    Plautius     2  1  6  5  0  (ASIA:1 [7-8-9]) -Cor-
       4 Cards
*** Scalae         Treasury: 98t   Influence:65  Votes:12/23 +0/+1
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
@1C    Sulla        4  4  5  5  0    
#2   L Fabius       4  2  9 20  0  2Kni pc "Tax Farmer 4" 5t (Illyricum:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#9     Aurelius     2  3  7  9  3  pc P 2Kni  "Tax Farmer 1" (Africa:3 [9-10-11])
#12    Acilius      2  2  7 11  4  (SICILY:1 [7-8-9]) LA -Cor- 5t
#15    Sulpicius    3  2  8 16  4  pc 3Kni "Harbour Fees" "Egyptian Grain" 5t
#16    Calpurnius   1  2  9  5  0  1Kni 1t
       3 Cards
*** Hellas         Treasury: 40t   Influence:34  Votes:6/12
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#8   L Furius       3  3  8 16  5  pc 3Kni LA (FURTHER SPAIN:2 [8-9-10]) -Cor- 
#24    Cassius      3  3  9 18  2  pc 3Kni -CE- 8t 
       5 Cards
*** Armillae       Treasury: 37t   Influence:34  Votes:8
#      Name         M  O  L  I  P   
#4     Julius       4  3  9 16 10  LA pc 1Kni 10t
#6     Manlius      3  2  7  7  0  "Tax Farmer 5" "Ship Building" 42t
#18  L Quinctius    3  2  6 11  1  pc "Tax Farmer 6" -CE- 7t
       4 Cards
*** Unaligned Senators
#11    Papirius     1  2  6  3  0
--- Roman Forces ---
Pool                      0 Leg                     7 Fle
Rome                     23 Leg: 17Reg/6Vet        18 Fle
Sicily                    2 Leg:  2Reg/0Vet         0 Fle
--- Legion Allegiance ---
IV   Furius
VI   Popillius Laenas
VII  Julius
VIII Acilius
IX   Servilius
X    Fulvius
--- Provincial Forces ---
Province             Base Arm Fle  Max  Tax Gov Notes
CISALPINE-GAUL     b  2/0  10  0  10/0   20  2  0Reg, +14 vs Raids
FURTHER SPAIN      b  4/0  10  0  10/0   20  3  0Reg, +17 vs Raids
Illyricum          b  2/0   0  0   5/0    5  4  0Reg, +6 vs Raids 
NEARER SPAIN       b  2/0   7  0  10/0   15  3  0Reg, +12 vs Raids
SARDINIA-CORSICA      1/0   1  5   1/5   10  2
SICILY                2/0  10  5  10/5   40  2  2Reg
NARBONESSE GAUL       2/0   5  0  10/0   20  1
Africa                3/5   5  3   5/3   20  2
GREECE             b  5/5   8  8  10/10  40  2  0Reg, +15 vs Raids
ASIA                  6/5   6  4  10/10  50  2
Cilicia-Cyprus        2/5   0  0   0/3   10  0
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