Republic of Rome Game Status

Period   Late Republic; People Revolt! Game Over; all players lose!

--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury                219
Unrest Level            0
Land Bills              none
Laws                    Calpurnian Law, Tradition Erodes, Military Reforms
Legions                 8: i-viii
Fleets                  0
Active Wars             3rd Mithridatic War (8/6)
Unprosecuted Wars       none
Inactive Wars           none
Cards in Deck           48/53
HRAO                    Cornelius (Gladius)
--- Forum ---
Events                  Internal Disorder, 2nd Catiline Conspiracy
Provinces               africa, cilicia-cyprus, FURTHER SPAIN, GREECE,
Senators                Valerius(#3 1-2-10-5)
Concessions             none
--- Curia ---
Senators                Cassius(#24 3-3-9-3)
                        Sulpicius(#15 3-2-8-2)
Concessions             none
Leaders                 none

--- Factions ---

*** Warlock       - Treasury:  2 Influence:16  Votes:14/14
#7   Fulvius     2-2-8-4  "Tax Farmer 2" Gov
#9   Aurelius    2-3-7-3
#12  Acilius     2-2-7-3  Gov
#14  Aelius      3-4-7-2  FL 1Kni 2t
#27  Marius      4-2-9-4
     3 Cards

*** Tablinum      - Treasury:  2 Influence:20  Votes:12/12
#2   Fabius      4-2-9-5  1t
#4   Julius      4-3-9-4  FL 1t
#8   Furius      3-3-8-3  1t
#10  Junius      1-2-8-6  Gov 1t
#16  Calpurnius  1-2-9-2  Gov 1t
     2 Cards

*** Novus Senatus - Treasury:  0 Influence: 12  Votes:10/12
#6   Manlius     3-2-7-7  (NARBONESE GAUL:2)
#18  Quinctius   3-2-6-1  Gov
#22  Porcius     2-4-10-1 FL 1Kni 1t
#23  Popillius   1-3-7-3
     5 Cards

*** Wreath        - Treasury:  0 Influence:12  Votes:10/12
#5   Claudius    2-3-7-4  4t
#19  Aemilius    4-2-8-1  1Kni Gov 7t
#26  Octavius    2-3-9-4  1Kni
#29  Licinius    3-2-9-3  FL (asia:2) Cor
     3 Cards

*** Gladius       - Treasury:  0 Influence:18  Votes:9/12
#1   Cornelius   4-3-9-10 -13Pop FL PC *Rome Consul*
#20  Terentius   2-1-6-1  "Harbor Fees" 4t
#21  Servilius   3-4-9-4  1Kni 4t
#28  Tullius     2-3-7-3  (CISALPINE GAUL:2) Cor
     3 Cards

*** Unaligned Senators
#3   Valerius    1-2-10-5 Forum

--- Roman Forces ---
Pool                     17 legions (ix-xxv)       25 fleets
Rome                      8 legions (i-viii)        0 fleets

--- Legion Allegiance ---

--- Provincial Forces ---
Province           Base  Arm Fle Leg Maximum Strength Tax Notes
africa              3/5   4   2   0    5/ 3    5/ 7    20 Disorder
asia                6/5   5   2   0   10/10    9/ 7    35 Disorder, War
cilicia-cyprus      2/5   0   1   0    0/ 3    2/ 6    10 Disorder
CISALPINE GAUL*     2/0  10   0   0   10/ 0    7/ 0    20
FURTHER SPAIN*      4/0   8   0   0   10/ 0    8/ 0    20
GREECE*             5/5   5   5   0   10/10    8/10    40
ILLYRICUM*          4/0   7   0   0   10/ 0    8/ 0    15
NARBONESE GAUL      2/0   2   0   0   10/ 0    3/ 0    20
NEARER SPAIN*       2/0   6   0   0   10/ 0    5/ 0    15
SARDINIA-CORSICA    1/0   1   5   0    1/ 5    2/ 5    10
SICILY              2/0  10   5   0   10/ 5    7/ 5    40

--- Items Required

--- Glossary of Symbols
FL   - Faction Leader
PC   - Prior Consul
Kni  - Knights
Pop  - Popularity
Gov  - Recently Returned Governor
t    - Talents in Personal Treasury
Cor  - Corrupt Governor
~~~ End of File