--- Changes to Latin/Italian Decks and Rules

+++ 3/30/98

1. Removed Drought from 1st Latin War.
2. Appius Claudius Caecus will be known as Appius instead of Caecus.
3. Clarification: Latin Deck has 4 Tribunes; 2 from Early Republic plus
   2 brand new Tribune cards.
4. Clarification: Prior consul markers are still awarded even when the
   Censor office cannot be assigned (prior to Twelve Tables Event).
5. Clarification: Hortension Law is not a card; it is just a special
   proposal that may be made to remove the Plebian Revolt Event. The text
   of this proposal should properly be on that Event card but then
   there'd be too much text on the card. It is not a Law in the sense of
   Law cards.
6. Added: Hortensian Law cannot be vetoed by the Pontifex Maximus.
7. Added: Veterans are created normally but do not become aligned to
   a commander as a result of a battle prior to the Early Republic.
8. Reduced Dictator influence gains in Latin and Italian periods.
9. Clarification: The 5t Pontifex Maximus fine does not refer to the 10t
   payment that must still be made due to Evil Omens. It is the amount
   the faction must pay if the Pontifex Maximus cannot pay the 10t.

+++ 4/8/98

1. A Latin Period Statesman is discarded if he is in play at the start of
   the Revolution Phase of the Early Republic; _all_ his possessions
   except for his office are transferred to the family card. He cannot
   be prosecuted next turn for the office and he is eligible for Consul
   regardless what office he had held.
2. Veteran legions become aligned to their commanders as per the normal

+++ 4/16/98

1. Made several changes to The Twelve Tables including replacing Consuls
   with Consular Tribunes and postponing the Censor office for one turn.
back to rules

+++ 4/20/98

1. 2nd Latin War now decreases legion/fleet pool size by 3 when drawn.
2. Add drought symbol to Tarquinius Superbus.

+++ 4/21/98

1. Veterans not created until Early Republic.

+++ 5/2/98

1. Rename Gallic Invasion to Sack of Rome. Senators whose chits are drawn
   are now considered captured instead of being killed.

+++ 6/5/98

1. Removed 2nd Latin War legion/fleet pool size reduction effect.
2. Reduced number of legions added to pool by Samnite wars by 1 each.