"Martius" Deck 2 Status
 0 Cards Remaining (from a total of 26)
 0 Red cards
 0 Black Cards
List of Black Cards Remaining in Deck

Wars:      4th Macedonian War
           1st Sicilian Slave Revolt
           3rd Punic War
           Numantine War
           Pergamene Bequest
           Spanish Revolts
           3rd Macedonian War
           2nd Mithridatic War
           Jugurthine war
           Social war
           1st Mithridatic War
           Germanic Migrations
           1st Cilician Pirates
           2nd Sicilian Slave Revolt
Leaders:   Viriathus
           Mithridates VI
Intrigue:  Blackmail (T 3)
           Influence Peddling (T 7)
           Tribune (T 8)
           Tribune (T 11 Spoon)
           Tribune (T 11 Vir)
           Tribune (T 11 Cat)
           Draft (T 11 Ita)
           Secret Bodyguard (T 11 Xer)
           Tribune (T 11 Cat)
           Assasin (T 11 Cat)
           Assasin (T 11 Cat)
           Tribune (T 11 Vir)
           Tribune (T 11 Med)
Statesmen: #23A Laenas
Laws:      Plautian-Papirian (T 8)
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