Deck Status
48 Cards Remaining (from a total of 53)
22 Black Cards
26 Red Cards

List of Black Cards Remaining in Deck
#11 Papirius     1 2 6 3
#13 Flaminius    4 2 6 3
#17 Plautius     2 1 6 2
#25 Sempronius   1 3 6 3
#30 Pompeius     2 2 7 2
1st Mithridatic War        10/5   D13/S14    30T Revolt (Bithynia-Pontus)
2nd Mithridatic War*       6/4    D16/S17    15T Revolt (Bithynia-Pontus)
Parthian War               12/2   D12/S18    35T
2nd Gallic War*            12/0   D12/S16    15T Transalpine Gaul
3rd Gallic War             15/0   D10/S17    15T Transalpine Gaul
Social War                 10/0   D13/S16    15T Activates Inactive Wars
Cilician Pirates*@         3/2/6  D18/S12    10T
Alexandrine War@           2/2/10 D18/S17    25T Egyptian Grain
Sertorian Revolt           8/2    D14/S13
Gladiator Slave Revolt     6/0    D6/S16         Destroys Tax Farmer
Invasion of Germany*       6/0    D16/S18    10T
Invasion of Britain*       4/2    D5/S17     10T
Mithridates VI Leader      +4     D12/S15        Mithridatic Wars
Spartacus                  +5     D11/S14        Slave Revolt, Tax Farmer
Vercingetorix              +6     D14/S18        Gallic Wars
Ptolemy-Apion Bequest                            Crete-Cyrene
Bithynian Bequest                            35T Bithynia

*- Inactive; @- Drought
