Republic of Rome "SPQR VI" Status

Period   Early Republic
Turn     6
Phase    Revolution Phase

DEADLINE: for Revolution Phase orders: 2200 EST 29 OCT 2003

--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury          070 talents (Annual Income: 100 talents)
Unrest Level      4
Land Bills        1 x Type II (-5t/year)
Laws              None
Legions           22: 17 Regular, 5 Veteran
Fleets            05

-----  WARS  -----
Active Wars        1st Macedonian War
                   25t spoils

                   1st Illyrian War
                   10t spoils
                   Victory creates Illyricum
                   Delayed to Turn 7
Active Leaders    Philip V  
                  +6 and D:15; S:14 to Macedonian Wars

Opposing Provinces None

Inactive Wars      None
Presiding Magistrate: #1 Scipio, Faction Lupus: Dictator

--- Forum --- 
Concessions       None 
Events            Manpower Shortage

Provinces         Cisalpine Gaul
                  Nearer Spain
                  Further Spain

Senators          None

--- Curia ---            
Senators          #13 Flaminius  4  2   6   3
Concessions       None
Leaders           Antiochus
                  +5 and D:14; S:17 to Syrian War
                  +3 and D:8; S:12 to Punic Wars
                  +7 and D:9; S:16 to Punic Wars
                  Extra Tax Farmer dr

--- Current Events in Rome ---            

Mortality Phase:  
  #13 - Flaminius of The Stoics, move card to Curia
Revenue Phase:
  State:      109 + 100 - 20 (war) - 54 (maintenance) = 135t
     Sicily:            DR-2  =  9 - 2 =  7t
     Sardinia/Corsica:  -dr-1 = -6 - 1 = -7t
      Net income = 0

  Nota Bene:   9t income.  
     No further action

  Lupus:      10t income + 1t PM = 11t
     No further action

  Alba:       11t income + 3t Sicily = 14t
     Province improvement dr = 5 
     Build 2 legions, 1 fleet
     move term 3 -> 2
     No further action

  The Stoics: 12t income.  
     Province improvement dr = 1 + 1 = 2
     move term 3 -> 2
     No further action

  Aenean:     12t income.  
     No further action

Forum Phase:

  Nota Bene:  DR = 5.  Draw a card.  Red card added to hand.
    Calpurnius spends 5t for a knight.
      dr = 4 + 5 = 9.  The attempt succeeds.

  Lupus:      DR = 8.  Draw a card.  Red card added to hand.
    Papirius spends $3 for a Knight.
      dr = 4 + 3 = 7.  The attempt succeeds.
    Junius spends $7 on a Slice & Dice.
      popularity + 1 to 2
      unrest - 1 to 3

  Alba:       DR = 10.  Draw a card.  2nd Illyrian War.
    Manlius spends 0t for a knight
      dr = 6.  The attempt succeeds.

  The Stoics: DR = 10.  Draw a card.  Red card added to hand.
    Flamininus spends 0t for a knight.
      dr = 2.  The attempt fails.

  Aenean:     DR = 8.  Draw a card.  1st Macedonian War.
    Julius tries for a knight paying 5t.
      dr = 4 + 5 = 9.  The attempt succeeds.

  6th Initiative
      Nota Bene:  0
      Lupus:      0
      Alba:       0
      The Stoics: 0
      Aenean:     0

  Faction Nota Bene:  DR = 11.  Draw a card.  1st Illyrian War
    Calpurnius attempts for a knight with 0t spent.
      dr = 3.  The attempt fails.


Curia Rolls:
     #13 Flaminius : 3
     Antiochus     : 4

State of the Republic Address:
    Unrest =      3
    Modifiers =  +1
    HRAO Pop =    3
    Modifier =   -1
    TDR =        6 - 1 = 5.  +4 & MS
    New Unrest = 8
  Excess popularity:
    M. Claudius fades to history.
      6 - 1 = 5

Senate Phase:
    Acilius of Aenean, and Cato of Nota Bene

    Voting Record:
                   YEA   NAY   ABS
      Lupus:        15
      Alba:                     12
      The Stoics:               10
      Aenean:             15
      Nota Bene:    12

  The motion passes 27 to 15
    Acilius becomes FC (+5 inf.)
    Cato becomes RC (+5 inf.)
    Fulvius gains a pc marker

  The consuls agree to appoint Scipio to Dictatorship (+7 inf)
  Master of Horse:  Cunctator of AENEAN is Master of Horse (+3 inf)

  Pontifex: N/A

     Candidates                Inf
     Calpurnius, Nota Bene      16
     Plautius, Nota Bene        18
     Papirius, Lupus            11
     Sulpicius, Alba            17
     Fulvius, Alba              10
     Flamininus, The Stoics     19
     Valerius, The Stoics       16
  Dictator Scipio proposes Fulvius of ALBA for Censor.  

   Vote order:
                 YEA   NAY   ABS
   Alba           12
   The Stoics     10
   Aenean         15
   Nota Bene      12
   Lupus          15
    The motion passes!  Fulvius becomes Censor (+5 inf.)
    No prosecutions

  Governors: N/A

  Other Business:

    Scipio makes an announcement:
     PROPOSAL:  Type II Land Bill.
     SPONSOR:   Rome Consul Cato of NOTA BENE
     CO-SPONSOR:  Dictator Scipio of LUPUS

   Vote order:
                 YEA   NAY   ABS
   Alba                       12 
   The Stoics     10
   Aenean         15
   Nota Bene      12
   Lupus          15
    The motion passes 52 to 0 with 12 ABS
     Cato gains 2 popularity Dictator Scipio gains 1 popularity
     Unrest -2 to 6
     -5t/year from State

  Scipio presents a war plan with three parts...


    1.  Recruit three Legions and build two Fleets at a cost of $100.

    2.  Give Field Consul Acilius of AENEAN command of Veteran III, three 
        Legions and two Fleets against 2nd Illyrian -- +3.

    3.  Give Dictator Scipio of LUPUS and Master of Horse Cunctator of 
        AENEAN command of the remaining three Veterans, 18 Legions, and five
        Fleets against 2nd Punic, Hannibal, Hamilcar and Cisalpine Gaul -- +8.

   Vote order:
                 YEA   NAY   ABS
   Alba                       12 
   The Stoics     10
   Aenean         15
   Nota Bene      12
   Lupus          16

   All three motions pass
      Activate legions XXIII - XXV
      Activate Fleets VI & VII
      Treasury -100 to 035t

  Priest: Junius Pontifex Maximus of LUPUS speaks: 
  "It is therefore with great pleasure that I welcome my faction mate, Aelius,
   to the College of the Augurs."
      +1 inf. and battle vote.

  Tax Farmer Losses: N/A 2nd Punic war prosecuted

Combat Phase:

2nd Illyrian War campaign:

    Legions:        03    War Strength:   04
    Vet. Legions:   01    Modifiers:
    Rome Leaders :  02    War Leaders:      
                    07                    04
   Rome attacks at +3
     TDR = 12 + 3 = 15!  
       Victory!  Lose 3 legions, 3 fleets
         Legions III, V - VI eliminated
         Legion VII veteran, loyal to none
       unrest -1 to 5
       2nd Illyrian to discards
       Acilius gains 2 inf. and popularity, -1 popularity for losses.
       10t spoils added to treasury
          035 + 010 = 045
       5 Mortality chits:
         17, D2, 12!, 16, 5
           Acilius is slain in battle!!!  
             Acilius the younger takes control of Faction Aenean

2nd Punic War campaign:

    Legions:        18    War Strength:   15
    Vet. Legions:   03    Modifiers:      01
    Rome Leaders :  10    War Leaders:    10
                    34                    26

   Rome attacks at +8
     TDR = 11 + 8 = 19!  Victory with no losses!
       unrest -1 to 4
       2nd Punic War to discards
       Scipio gains 8 inf. and popularity
         Legion VIII veteran, loyal to Scipio
       25t spoils added to treasury
          045 + 025 = 070
       Create Nearer Spain, Further Spain 
       Add Cisalpine Gaul to Forum
       Move Hannibal and Hamilcar to Curia

Revolution Phase:
  Lupus:       Tax Farmer 2 --> Scipio
               Tax Farmer 4 --> Junius
               Red card to  --> NOTA BENE
               Scipio returns his Army to Rome.

  Alba:        No action

  The Stoics:  Egyptian grain concession to Valerius 
               Tax Farmer 5 to Terentius.

  Aenean:      No action

  Nota Bene:   Land Commissioner on Plautius
               Ship Building on Cato.

                            -----  INFLUENCE  -----
Faction            Initial     Turn 2 Gain     Cumulative
Nota Bene              107             040            147
Lupus                  109             046            155
Alba                   145             043            188
The Stoics             159             036            195
Aenean                 209             045            254

--- Power Graph ---

1st:  Aenean   
2nd:  The Stoics
3rd:  Alba
4th:  Lupus
5th:  Nota Bene 

Thus ends turn 6

--- Factions --- 
Nota Bene
Treasury: 5t   Influence: 40  Votes:  12/12 (+2 battle)
                         M  O   L   I    P
#16  Calpurnius          1  2   9  16    3  - FL - Tax Farmer 1 (2t/turn)  - Pr -3Kn pc  
#17  Plautius            2  1   6  18       - Pr pc - Land Commissioner (3t/turn)
#22A Cato                1  6  10   6    2  - RC - Ship Building (3t/Fleet)

2 cards

Treasury: 21t   Influence: 46  Votes:  10/15 (+3 battle)

                         M  O   L   I    P
#14   Aelius             3  4   7   4       - Harbor Fees (3t/turn) - Pr
#10   Junius             1  2   8   8    2  - PM -1Kn - Tax Farmer 4 (2t/turn)
# 1A  Scipio             5  5   7  21    9  - FL -DI - Tax Farmer 2 (2t/turn)
#11   Papirius           1  2   6  13       pc -1Kn

2 cards

Treasury: 22t   Influence: 43  Votes:  12/15 (+2 battle)

                         M  O   L   I    P
# 6   Manlius            3  2   7   4       - FL -3Kn
#15   Sulpicius          3  2   8  17    5  pc  
# 8   Furius             3  3   8   3       - Tax Farmer 6 (2t/turn)
# 7   Fulvius            2  2   8  15       - Pr pc - CE
# 9   Aurelius           2  3   7   4       - Pr - Gov. of Sicily (2) - corrupt

3 Card

The Stoics
Treasury: 14t   Influence: 36  Votes:  10/10

                         M  O   L   I    P
#18A  Flamininus         5  4   7  19    5  - FL - Sicilian Grain (4t/turn) -3Kn pc
# 3   Valerius           1  2  10  16       pc - Egyptian Grain (5t/turn)
#20   Terentius          2  1   6   1       - Gov. of Sardinia & Corsica (2) - Tax Farmer 5 (2t/turn)

4 Cards

Treasury: 7t   Influence: 45  Votes:  13/15

                         M  O   L   I    P
#12   Acilius            2  2   7   3           - FL 
#19A  Macedonicus        5  4   8   4          -1Kn
# 2A  Cunctator          5  2   7  18    5     - Mining (3t/turn) pc -MoH
# 4   Julius             4  3   9   4          -1Kn
# 5A  M. Claudius        4  2   7  16    5     

3 Cards

--- Roman Forces ---            
In Rome:       00 Leg: 
               00 Fle: 

On Campaign:   
   v. 2rd Illyrian
               01 Leg: VII
               00 Fle: 

   v. 2nd Punic, Hannibal, Hamilcar and Cisalpine Gaul 
               DI Scipio & MoH Cunctator
               21 Leg: I - II, IV, VIII, IX - XXV
               05 Fle: III - VII

In Provinces:   0 Leg:
                0 Fle:

Avail:         03 Leg: III, V, VI
               18 Fle: I, II, VIII - XXV

--- Legion Allegiance ---
I    - 2A Cunctator, Faction Aenean
II   - 18A Flamininus, Faction The Stoics
IV   - 16 Calpurnius, Faction Nota Bene
VII   - None
VIII  - 1A Scipio, Faction Lupus

--- Statesmen in play ---

#18A Flamininus  
     22A FL 0; Voids Macedonian War D/S

#2A  Cunctator 
     Halves all losses

#5A  Marcellus Claudius
     Voids Punic War D/S

#22A Cato
     1A,1B,18A FL 0; 1 free tribune/turn

# 1A Scipio      
     22A FL 0; Voids Punic War D/S

#19A Macedonicus 
     Voids Macedonian War D/S

--- Provincials ---

Province           Base Arm Fle  Max  Tax  Gov  State  Pers    Notes

Sicily             2/0    2   1 10/5   30  # 9   DR-2    dr    Undeveloped   
Sardinia/Corsica   0/0    0   0  0/3   05  #20  -dr-1  dr-5    Undeveloped
Nearer Spain       1/0    0   0  5/0   10  ---  -dr+1  dr-2    Undeveloped
Further Spain      2/0    0   0  5/0   10  ---  -dr-1  dr-3    Undeveloped
Cisalpine Gaul     1/0    0   0  5/0   15  ---   dr-1  dr-1    Undeveloped

Underline = province is subject to barbarian raids

--- Discards ---
Intrigue:  1 discard
Wars:      1st Gallic, 2nd Macedonian, 1st Punic, Syrian War, 2nd Illyrian War,
           2nd Punic War
Leaders:   None
Other:     None

Turn 5

Turn 7