Republic of Rome "SPQR VI" Status

Period   Early Republic
Turn     3
Phase    Revolution Phase

DEADLINE: for Revolution Phase orders: 2200 EST THURSDAY 10 JULY 2003

--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury          095 talents (Annual Income: 100 talents)
Unrest Level      3
Land Bills        None
Laws              None
Legions           15: 13 Regular, 2 Veteran
Fleets            12

-----  WARS  -----
Active Wars        1st Punic War
                   264 - 241 BC
                   35t spoils
                   Victory creates Sicily, Sardinia-Corsica  
                   Fleet Victorious

                   2nd Punic War
                   25t spoils
                   Victory creates Nearer Spain, Further Spain 
                   Destroys Tax Farmer 

Active Leaders     Hamilcar 
                   +3 and D:8; S:12 to Punic Wars

Opposing Provinces Cisalpine Gaul 1/0
                   Aligned with Carthage

Inactive Wars      None
Presiding Magistrate: #16  Calpurnius of Nota Bene

--- Forum --- 
Concessions       None
Events            None

Provinces         None

Senators          None

--- Curia ---            
Senators          None
Concessions       None
Leaders           Antiochus
                  +5 and D:14; S:17 to Syrian War

--- Current Events in Rome ---            

Mortality Phase:  None

Revenue Phase:
  State:      022t + 100t income - 22 (legions) - 24 (fleets) - 20 (1st Punic)= 56t

  Aenean:     11t income.  
     Acilius contributes 11t to State (+1 Inf).
       Treasury:  56 + 11 = 67t

  Nota Bene:   6t income.  
     Calpurnius donates 6t to Rome!
       Treasury:  67 + 6 = 73t

  Lupus:      10t income + 2t PM = 12t
     Cornelius donates 1t to Rome
       Treasury:  73 + 1 = 74t

  Alba:        5t income.   
     Manlius donates 5t to Rome!
       Treasury:  74 + 5 = 79t

  The Stoics: 11t income.  
     Flamininus donates 11t to Rome (+1 inf).
       Treasury:  79 + 11 = 90t

Forum Phase:

  Aenean:     DR = 8
    Draw a card:  2nd Macedonian War.  Add to Inactive Wars
    Cunctator tries to persuade Claudius from the Forum
      Base # = 17 - 7 = 10.
      DR: 5!  Claudius joins Faction Aenean.
    Cunctator attempts to attract a knight!
      dr: 5.  The attempt fails.

  Nota Bene:  DR = 8
    Draw a card:  Red card added to Nota Bene hand.
    Plautius attempts to persuade Papirius from the Forum
      Base # = 9 - 6 = 3
      DR:  7.  The attempt fails.
    Plautius attempts to attract a knight!
      dr:  2.  The attempt fails.

  Lupus:      DR = 9
    Draw a card:  Red card added to Lupus hand.
    Junius attempts to persuade Papirius from the Forum
      Base # = 10 - 6 = 4
      DR:  4!  Papirius joins Faction Lupus!
    Cornelius attempts to attract a knight!
      dr:  3.  The attempt fails.

  Alba:       DR = 8
    Draw a card:  Red card added to Alba hand.
    Sulpicius attempts to persuade Fulvius from the Forum
      Base # = 14 - 8 = 6
      DR:  4!  Fulvius joins Faction Alba!
    Manlius attempts to attract a knight!
      dr:  2.  The attempt fails.

  The Stoics: DR = 4
    Draw a card:  Red card added to The Stoics hand.
    Flamininus attempts to attract a knight!
      dr:  6.  Flamininus gains a knight

  6th Initiative
      Aenean:     0
      Nota Bene:  0
      Lupus:      0
      Alba:       0
      The Stoics: 0

  Aenean:  DR = 8
    Draw a card:  Red card added to Aenean hand
    Cunctator attempts to attract a knight!
      dr: 5.  The attempt fails.

Curia Rolls:
     Antiochus     : 3.  stays put

State of the Republic Address:
    Unrest = 3 + 1 (unprosecuted War) = 4
    HRAO Pop = 5
    TDR = 11 + 1 = 12.  No change
    New Unrest = 4

Senate Phase:
     Cunctator brings the Senate to order with the following proposal:
     "I propose Calpurnius of NOTA BENE and Flamininus (not Flaminius) of
      THE STOICS as Consuls this year."

    Vote order:   YEA     NAY     ABS
     STOICS        11
     NOTA           3
     ALBA           9
     LUPUS         11
     AENEAN        14

  The motion passes with no NAYs!
    Calpurnius of NOTA BENE becomes RC (+5 inf.)
    Flamininus of THE STOICS becomes FC (+5 inf.)
    Plautius and Cunctator gain pc markers

  Pontifex: N/A

     Candidates:             Inf:
     Sulpicius of Alba        12
     Valerius of Stoics       16
     Acilius of Aenean        13
     Plautius of Nota Bene     8
     Cunctator of Aenean      15

   Calpurnius nominates Plautius of Nota Bene for Censor:

    Vote order:   YEA     NAY     ABS
     Alba           9
     Lupus         11
     Aenean        14
     The Stoics                    11  
     Nota Bene      3    

   The motion passes with 11 ABS from The Stoics.  
     Plautius becomes Censor (+5 inf.)
     He declines prosecutions.


    Calpurnius nominates Manlius of ALBA as governor of Cisalpine Gaul

    Vote order:   YEA     NAY     ABS
     Alba                   9
     Lupus         11
     Aenean        14
     The Stoics                    11
     Nota Bene      3

    Manlius packs his bags for the wilds of Gaul.

  Other Business:

    Calpurnius makes the following War proposal:

     Buy 4 legions.

     Send all legions with FC and 5 fleets to fight Macedonia.

    Vote order:   YEA     NAY     ABS
     Alba           7
     Lupus         13
     Aenean        14
     The Stoics    11
     Nota Bene      5

   The motions pass.
      - 40t from the treasury
        090 - 040 = 050t
      Activate legions XII - XV

      Flamininus dons his armor and departs Rome!

       Junius Pontifex Maximus awards a Priesthood to Rome Consul Calpurnius 
       of NOTA BENE.  (+1 inf. and battle vote)

Calpurnius adjourns the Senate.

Combat Phase:

  Flamininus, 14 regular legions & 1 veteran legion v.s. 2nd Macedonian War

    Legions:       14     War Strength:  10
    Vet. Legions:   2
    Flamininus :    5          
                   21                    10

   Rome attacks at +11
     TDR = 9 + 11 = 20!  Victory with no losses!
     2nd Macedonian War to discards
     Flaminius gains 5 influence and popularity!
     45t spoils to treasury
       050 + 045 = 095t
     Unrest -1
       4 - 1 = 3
     Create veteran legion II, loyal to Flaminius

   2nd Punic War becomes Unprosecuted
     destroys Tax Farmer #5 (not in play)

  Manlius & Cisalpine Gaul  v.s. 2nd Punic War

    Base Str:       1     War Strength:  15
    Legions:        0     Matching War:  15
    Manlius :       3     Leader:         3    
                    4                    33

   Rome attacks at -26
     TDR = 11 - 29 = -18!  DEFEAT!
     Manlius is slain!
     Cisalpine Gaul joins Carthage

Revolution Phase:
  Aenean:      Gives card to Lupus
               Enter #5A - Marcus Claudius
  Nota Bene:   No action
  Lupus:       Gives card to Aenean
  Alba:        No action
  The Stoics:  Flamininus returns to Rome to bask in his glory!
               No other action

                            -----  INFLUENCE  -----
Faction            Initial     Turn 3 Gain     Cumulative
Nota Bene               25              21             46
Lupus                   36              19             55
Alba                    52              23             75
The Stoics              46              35             81
Aenean                  66              38            104

--- Power Graph ---

1st:  Aenean   
2nd:  The Stoics
3rd:  Alba
4th:  Lupus
5th:  Nota Bene 

--- Factions --- 
Nota Bene
Treasury: 0t   Influence: 21  Votes:  3/3 (+2 battle)
                         M  O   L   I    P
#16  Calpurnius          1  2   9   8       - FL - Tax Farmer 1 (2t/turn) - RC - Pr 
#17  Plautius            2  1   6  13       - Pr pc - CE

3 cards

Treasury: 11t   Influence: 19  Votes:  11/11 (+2 battle)

                         M  O   L   I    P
#14   Aelius             3  4   7   3       - Harbor Fees (3t/turn)
#10   Junius             1  2   8   8       - PM - Tax Farmer 6 (2t/turn)
# 1   Cornelius          4  3   9   5       - FL 
#11   Papirius           1  2   6   3

3 cards

Treasury: 0t   Influence: 23  Votes:  9/9

                         M  O   L   I    P
# 6   Manlius            3  2   7   4       - FL 
#15   Sulpicius          3  2   8  12    5  pc
# 8   Furius             3  3   8   3
# 7   Fulvius            2  2   8   4

2 Card

The Stoics
Treasury: 0t   Influence: 35  Votes:  5/11

                         M  O   L   I    P
#18A  Flamininus         5  4   7  15  5    - FL - Sicilian Grain (4t/turn) -2Kn - FC
# 3   Valerius           1  2  10  16       pc 
#20   Terentius          2  1   6   1  
#13   Flaminius          4  2   6   3

4 Cards

Treasury: 0t   Influence: 38  Votes:  13/13

                         M  O   L   I    P
#12   Acilius            2  2   7  14          - FL -1Kn pc 
#19   Aemilius           4  2   8   1          -1Kn
# 2A  Cunctator          5  2   7  15    5     - Mining (3t/turn) pc
# 4   Julius             4  3   9   4 
# 5a  M. Claudius        4  2   7   4

4 Cards

--- Roman Forces ---            
In Rome:       15 Leg: I - II, III - XV
               12 Fle: I - XII

On Campaign:    0 Leg:  
                0 Fle: 

In Provinces:   0 Leg:
                0 Fle:

Avail:         10 Leg: XVI - XXV     
               13 Fle: XIII - XXV

--- Legion Allegiance ---
I - 2A Cunctator, Faction Aenean
II - 18A Flamininus, Faction The Stoics

--- Statesmen in play ---

#18A Flamininus  
     22A FL 0; Voids Macedonian War D/S

#2A  Cunctator 
     Halves all losses

--- Provincials ---

Province           Base Arm Fle  Max  Tax  Gov  State  Pers    Notes


Underline = province is subject to barbarian raids

--- Discards ---
Intrigue:  None
Wars:      1st Gallic, 2nd Macedonian
Leaders:   None
Other:     None

Turn 2

Turn 4