Republic of Rome "SPQR VI" Status

Period   Early Republic
Turn     1
Phase    Senate Phase

DEADLINE: for Turn 2 Revenue and Forum orders: 2200 EST SUNDAY 27 APRIL 2003

--- State of the Republic ---
Treasury          002 talents (Annual Income: 100 talents)
Unrest Level      0
Land Bills        None
Laws              None
Legions           04: 4 Regular, 0 Veteran
Fleets            19

-----  WARS  -----
Active Wars        1st Gallic War
                   D:13; S:15    
                   20t spoils 
                   Victory creates Cisalpine Gaul 
                   Attacks Cisapline, Narbonese & Transalpine Gaul

                   1st Punic War
                   264 - 241 BC
                   35t spoils
                   Victory creates Sicily, Sardinia-Corsica  
                   Fleet Victorious
Active Leaders     Hamilcar 
                   +3 and D:8; S:12 to Punic Wars

Inactive Wars      None
HRAO         # 3   Valerius of The Stoics 

--- Forum --- 
Concessions       None
Events            None
Provinces         None
Senators          # 7 Fulvius   (2,2,8,4)
                  # 5 Claudius  (2,3,7,4)
                  #13 Flaminius (4,2,6,3)

--- Curia ---            
Senators          None
Concessions       None
Leaders           None

--- Current Events in Rome ---            

Mortality Phase: #26 - Octavius.  An elder member of an obscure family.

Revenue Phase:
  State:      100t + 100t income - 8 (legions) = 192t
  Aenean:     5t income.
  Nota Bene:  7t income.
  Lupus:      5t income.
  Alba:       5t income.
  The Stoics: 9t income.

Forum Phase:
  Aenean:     DR =  5
     Aenean draws a card: 1st Gallic War!  Add to active wars.
     Acilius spends 4t on greek dramas!  What say the nobles?
       dr: 6 + 4 = 10.  Acilius gains a knight.

  Nota Bene:  DR = 12
     Nota Bene draws a card:  The Fulvius gens gains Senatorial status!
     Add #7  Fulvius (2,2,8,4) to Forum
     Calpurnius attempts to impress the nobles with his good looks alone!
       dr: 6!  Calpurnius gains a knight.

  Lupus:      DR = 11
     Lupus draws a card: red card added to Lupus
     Cornelius spends 5t on Syrian Beer.  The nobles are impressed.
       Cornelius gains a knight.

  Alba:       DR = 9
     Alba draws a card:  The Claudius gens gains Senatorial status!
     Add #5  Claudius (2,3,7,4) to Forum
     Manlius spends 4t on chariot races.  What say the nobles?
       dr: 2 + 4 = 6.  Manlius gains a knight.

  The Stoics:  DR = 5
     The Stoics draw a card:  Hamilcar has taken control of Carthage!
     Add Hamilcar to active leaders, move 1st Punic War to active wars.
     Quinctius spends 4t on Greek olives!  What say the nobles?
       dr: 3 + 4 = 7.  Quinctius gains a knight. 

  6th Initiative
      Aenean:     1t
      Nota Bene:  0t
      Lupus:      0t
      Alba:       1t
      The Stoics: 3t

  The Stoics:  DR = 3
     The Stoics draw a card:  The Flaminius gens gains Senatorial status!
     Add #13 Flaminius (4,2,6,3) to the Forum
     Quinctius attempts to impress the nobles with his winning smile!
       dr: 5.  The attempt fails

Curia Rolls:  N/A

State of the Republic Address:
  Acilius addresses the masses:  TDR = 11.  No change.

Senate Phase:
     The esteemed Rome Consul Acilius of Aenean brings the senate to session
     with the following proposal:

     "I will propose Sulpicius of Alba and Valerius of Stoics as Consuls."

     Vote order:
     Stoics       Alba       Nota       Lupus       Aenean
     YEA (6)      YEA (8)    YEA (6)    YEA (10)    YEA (7)
     The motion passes!
       Sulpicius of Alba becomes FC (+5 inf.)
       Valerius of Stoics becomes RC (+5 inf.)
       Acilius of Aenean gains a pc marker.

     Valerius proposes Manlius as Pontifex Maximus:

     Voting order:
     Lupus        Nota        Aenean        Alba        Stoics
                  YEA (6)     YEA (7)       YEA (8)     YEA (6)
     NAY (10)

The motion passes.  Manlius becomes PM (+5 inf)

       Acilius, Faction Aenean:        8
     With no other candidates, Acilius becomes CE (+5 inf.)
       Acilius declines prosecutions.

  Governors: N/A
  Other Business:

     Valerius speaks:
       I propose that 12 new legions be created, joined with the 4 legions 
       currently in Rome, and all sent immediately under the command of our 
       Field Consul to prosecute the 1st Gallic War. How vote you, Noble 

     Vote order:
       Part 1:  Build 12 Legions
     Lupus        Note Bene        Aenean        Alba        Stoics
                                   YEA (7)                   YEA (6)
     NAY (10)     NAY (6)                        NAY (8)

The motion fails:  13 to 24.  Scrap part 2...

     Valerius makes the following proposal:  
        "I propose the raising of 13 new legions."

     Voting Order:
     Aenean       Nota Bene        Lupus        Alba        Stoics
     YEA (7)                                                YEA (6)
                  NAY (6)          NAY (10)     NAY (8)

The motion fails:  13 to 24.

     Valerius, rebuffed twice, brings forth another proposal:  
       To have any chance at all against the Carthaginian navy, all of our 
       treasury must be used to build a navy. Therefore, I propose the
       building of 19 fleets.

     Voting Order:
     Aenean       Nota Bene        Lupus        Alba        Stoics
                  YEA (6)          YEA (10)     YEA (8)     YEA (6)
     NAY (7)

The motion passes 30 to 7. 
     Add fleets I - XIX to force pool
     subtract 190 talents from state treasury

Valerius, a man of action, wastes no time:  
  "I propose that the Field Consul and all 19 fleets set sail to battle the 

     Voting Order:
     Aenean       Nota Bene        Lupus        Alba        Stoics
                  YEA (6)          YEA (10)     YEA (8)     YEA (6)

     ABS (7) 

The motion passes 30 to 0 to 7.  

     Priest:  Manlius appoints Papirius of Nota Bene Priest (+1 inf. & battle vote)

Valerius adjourns the Senate

Combat Phase:

  Sulpicius and 19 fleets v.s. Hamilcar and the 1st Punic War

Fleets:    19          War Strength:  10
Sulpicius:  3          Hamilcar:       3
           22                         13

Rome attacks at +9
  TDR = 10 + 9 = 19!  Victory with no losses!
  Sulpicius gains 5 inf and popularity!

Revolution Phase:
  Aenean:      Enter Statesman 2A Cunctator

  Nota Bene:   No action

  Lupus:       Harbor Fees --> Cornelius
               Tax Farmer 6 --> Junius

  Alba:        Gives card to Aenean, Gives card to The Stoics

  The Stoics:  Enter Statesman 18A Flamininus 

--- Power Graph ---

1st:  Alba  
2nd:  Aenean 
3rd:  The Stoics
4th:  Lupus
5th:  Nota Bene 

                            -----  INFLUENCE  -----
Faction            Initial     Turn 1 Gain     Cumulative
Nota Bene               07         08                  15
Lupus                   10         10                  20
Alba                    09         24                  33
The Stoics              07         15                  22
Aenean                  14         19                  31

--- Factions --- 
Nota Bene
Treasury: 7t   Influence: 08  Votes:  6/6 (+1 battle)
                         M  O   L   I    P
#16  Calpurnius          1  2   9   2       - FL - Tax Farmer 1 (2t/turn) -1Kn
#17  Plautius            2  1   6   2 
#11  Papirius            1  2   6   4       - Pr

2 cards

Treasury: 0t   Influence: 10  Votes:  10/10

                         M  O   L   I    P
#14   Aelius             3  4   7   2 
#10   Junius             1  2   8   3       - Tax Farmer 6 (2t/turn)
# 1   Cornelius          4  3   9   5       - FL -1Kn  - Harbor Fees (3t/turn)

2 cards

Treasury: 1t   Influence: 24  Votes:  6/8 (+2 battle)

                         M  O   L   I    P
# 6   Manlius            3  2   7   9       - FL -1Kn - PM
#15   Sulpicius          3  2   8  12    5  - FC -on campaign
# 8   Furius             3  3   8   3

1 Card

The Stoics
Treasury: 2t   Influence: 15  Votes:  8/8

                         M  O   L   I    P
#18A  Flamininus         5  4   7   4       - FL - Sicilian Grain (4t/turn) -1Kn
# 3   Valerius           1  2  10  10       - RC
#20   Terentius          2  1   6   1  

2 Cards

Treasury: 1t   Influence: 17  Votes:  7/7

                         M  O   L   I    P
#12   Acilius            2  2   7  13          - FL -1Kn pc - CE
#19   Aemilius           4  2   8   1 
# 2A  Cunctator          5  2   7   3  

3 Cards

*** Unaligned Senators 

--- Roman Forces ---            
In Rome:        4 Leg: I - IV
                0 Fle: 

On Campaign:   Sulpicius v.s. 1st Punic War
                0 Leg: 
               19 Fle: I - XIX

In Provinces:   0 Leg:
                0 Fle:

Avail:         21 Leg: V - XXV     
               06 Fle: XX - XXV

--- Legion Allegiance ---

--- Statesmen in play ---

#18A Flamininus  
     22A FL 0; Voids Macedonian War D/S

#2A  Cunctator 
     Halves all losses

--- Provincials ---
Province           Base Arm Fle  Max  Tax  Gov  State  Pers    Notes


Bold = province is subject to barbarian raids

--- Discards ---
Intrigue:  None
Wars:      None
Leaders:   None
Other:     None

Turn 0

Turn 2