--- Civil War Deck

Instead of the game ending when the last card in the Late Republic Deck
is drawn, continue playing with this new deck of 20 cards:

2  Senators : #31 Domitius, #32 Antonius
3  Statesman: #19B M. Lepidus, #26A C. Octavian, #32A M. Antony
1  Law      : Military Command
10 Intrigue : Assassination Conspiracy, Scandal, The Ultimate Decree,
              Annexation of Egypt, Assassin, Secret Bodyguard,
              Influence Peddling, 2x Tribune, Murder of a Tribune  
3  Wars     : Invasion of Parthia, Cantabrian War, Dalmatian War
1  Event    : Mob Riots

Special Rules:

1. Legion Loyalty: DR >= 6 is required; each talent spent gives +2 to
   roll (maximum modification of +2 per Legion).
2. The Gabinian, Manilian, and Vatinian Laws are now considered in play
   if they weren't before.
2a.As an adjunct to the Gabinian Law, a Governor in a province at the
   end of the Senate Phase may recruit 1 Legion from his Personal or
   Faction Treasury to use as a Garrison for that province.

New Cards:

--- Intrigue Cards
Assassination Conspiracy - Playable during an assassination attempt to
    prevent the use of ALL bodyguard cards during the attempt. Assassin
    cards can be played to add to the roll. If successful, each of
    the assassinating player's senators loses Popularity and Influence
    equal to half (FRU) of the assassinated senator's Popularity. A
    caught assassin is still killed but the faction leader is immune to
    an assassination prosecution. This card does not in itself add to
    the assassination roll. Can only be played by the player making the

Scandal - Playable during the player's initiative in the Forum Phase.
    Target senator loses DR Popularity. Counts as that player's
    Persuasion Attempt. Discard after use. Not playable versus
    senators with oratory >= 5. The player playing this card must have
    a senator in Rome when this card is played.

The Ultimate Decree - Playable only when Mob Riots is in play
    immediately after a Dictator is assigned. The Dictator gains an
    extra 5 Influence and Tribunes cannot be played for the remainder
    of this turn. Discard the "Mob Riots" event when this card is
    played. The player playing this card must have a senator in Rome
    when this card is played.

Annexation of Egypt - Playable during the Senate Phase to force the
    Senate to vote for the creation of Egypt as a province. The vote
    must occur after all other provinces have been assigned. This vote
    cannot be vetoed and can only occur once in the game. Cannot be
    played if the Alexandrine War has not yet been discarded. If the
    vote passes a governor must be elected to Egypt before any other
    proposals can be made. The player playing this card must have a
    senator in Rome when this card is played. 

--- Laws
Military Command - A Proconsul and his army cannot be recalled by the
    Senate without his consent.

--- Events
Mob Riots - +2 to Unrest during each Population Phase. A Dictator may
    be appointed/elected when Mob Riots is in play regardless of the
    war situation. Discard when "The Ultimate Decree" intrigue card is

--- Statesman
#19B M. Lepidus           5-2-8-4
                          When played, one random unaligned veteran
                          becomes aligned to Lepidus.
#26A C. Octavian          3-5-10-5 Pop:1; M. Antony Faction Loyalty: 0
                          One free tribune/turn, +2 vs Naval Battles
#32A M. Antony            5-2-8-5 Pop:1; C. Octavian Faction Loyalty: 0
                          When played, one random unaligned veteran
                          becomes aligned to Antony.

--- Senators
#31 Domitius              2-2-7-5
#32 Antonius              3-2-7-1

--- Wars
Cantabrian War (28-19 BC) 10/0 D18/S12 15T
                      Inactive until attacked
                      [Attacks: Further Spain, Nearer Spain]

Dalmatian War (35-34 BC) 8/0 D16/S18 15T
                      Inactive until attacked
                      [Attacks: None]

Invasion of Parthia (36 BC) 15/0 D11/S14 40T
                      Inactive until attacked
                      [Attacks: None]

Change Cleopatra VII
   Add: Playable during the Revolution Phase in which a Governor of
   Egypt declares himself as a primary Rebel. Rebel gains +3 Military
   Rating and 50 talents.

--- Provinces
Egypt (Border Province)
Base Strength:   3/7
Personal Income: dr + 7
State Income:    DR + 4
Local Taxes:     60
Maximum Forces:  8/13
Defends: none
Created By: Annexation of Egypt
Egypt starts and remains developed; it never becomes undeveloped.

Random Events
 3 Roman Auxiliaries Desert
 4 Epidemic
 5 Storm at Sea
 6 Natural Disaster
 7 Barbarian Raids
 8 Internal Disorder
 9 Drought
10 Evil Omens
11 Ally Deserts
12 Mob Violence
13 Manpower Shortage
14 Enemy Ally Deserts
15 Trial of Verres
16 Allied Enthusiasm
17 New Alliance
18 Enemy Mercenaries Desert