HISTORY REPORT FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE MASTER OF BLIND GAME DURAN S1901 As usual in this first phase, everybody has talked with everybody, all of them very politely, and most of them asking if not an alliance, at least a deal to pass each other information. In the previous blind game I tried to infere from their letters which were true and which false, and I failed terribly. So I have desisted to repeat it. Once the movements done, there are already two countries who have made a clear war declaration. One is England who has moved into ECH; it is always much more neutral leave it alone. Even clearer is Turkey who has taken the Black Sea and has put an army in Armenia. The rest of powers have done a neutral openning. Well, some people would not consider neutral the russian attempt for Galicia, neither the italian one in Tyrolia, but both can be argued one side or the other. F1901 What was apparentely clear in Spring, has become true in Fall. England has attacked France in Brest and Turkey to Russia in Sevastopol. But while France has lost his harbour, Russia has managed to keep his one, plus conserving Rumania due to the discoordination of Austria and Turkey. Germany has also declared war to Russia and France by bouncing them out of Sweden and Belgium respectively. But Russia has already put his feet in german lands. On his own, Italy remains neutral (which is very wise for this country) at this early moment. The usual for Italy would be now to see the enviroments and decide his objective. The problem is that a blind game does not allow a vision range enough. In fact, he does not see a single unit at this moment. So he needs a lot of info now. England, Germany and Austria has all made a strong openning, but all them have already declared a war. Austria could have avoided it with identical results. S1902 This is an intermidiate season with some preparing movements. A second English army in France, Germany also advancing towards France, and the italian army in Tyrolia who changes objectives by moving into Piedmont. Maybe the greatest single attack is given by Austria into Russia by taking Warsaw and supporting Turkey into Rumania. F1902 This has not been an easy season. There has been a lot of mail among players, and the word "stab" (explicitly or implicitly) was in most of such mails. I was not even sure of who was going to stab whom until I saw the orders, and there were also many changes of orders since the deadline arrived. To resume: England stops attacking France and stabs Germany. Belgium and Holland are the prize, but E loses Brest. His problem is that France may not be happy enough as he has lost Paris and that E has also attacked Russia in Swe while Russia was supporting an english attack into DEN. France has recovered Brest but has lost Paris in German hands. However, he may recover it next season I think. Germany has run into troubles. Stabbed by England, he will not grow this year. Moreover France will kick him out of Paris and Russia does not seem very friendly yet. Italy has changed his mind again. His army in Piedmont has returned to Tyrolia, he has renounced to attack France, and has decided for Austria, but has failed as Austria has not left Greece as he expected. Austria has stabbed Turkey by attacking Rumania and Bulgaria, but everything was nicely supported (even by the russian fleet in Sevastopol). So nothing has happened and Turkey will grow. Moreover, the austrian army in Warsaw is defeated but the retreat allows it to move to Moscow. Russia has played badly by wasting 3 units in moving the austrian army from Warsaw to Moscow. In this case it would have been better to occupy Moscow first and after attack from there. There is nosense in using three units to remain the same. Turkey has respected Russia and distrusted Austria, luckily for him. Now he needs a shifting of alliances (as almost everybody else) but his position remains stable, although somehow locked. Just counting units, England and Austria take the lead, but both have stabbed his best friend and have not gathered a new one yet. S1903 England has just paid the price of his bid. France and Germany join forces and stop every english movement. Worst than this, France has just moved to NAO from where LVP is defenseless (although France does not know it for certain). Italy has not yet decided who is his enemy. He arranges peace with Austria and his army in Tyrolia moves again to PIE. I know that the italian tactic is usually to sit and wait before chosing an enemy, but he is putting so nervous Austria and France, and even Germany, that this may become a little dangerous. Austria has got a new success getting WAR. His position in Moscow is wonderful as Russia cannot kick him out as a retreat into STP would leave Austria unaffected. And Turkey is also doubting who to attack. He needs help to attack Austria and it is not clear who may give such help. F1903 England is clearly an agressive player. Knowing that he was going to lose Liverpool, and having an angry Germany in front, he offers support to Russia into Denmark and take STP from him. This is making real friends!!! Italy has finally decided his friends and enemies. Taking POR from France was something previously talked and could be acceptable, but the attack into MAR is not a friendly action. Austria mantains his strong position as he keeps WAR without other losses, and Turkey lies to Russia but gets nothing as his offer to move the fleet to BLA has only served to get a cut support to BUL. Moreover, the return of the army to ARM will not please Russia. S1904 The most relevant is the serious defeat of Russia in his homeland. Turkey has not respected a deal he had and has taken SEV and the army in Ukrania has been destroyed by Austria. Now, without annoying interfering units, the field is opened to the Austro-Turkish war. Italy has joined Austria in his war against Turkey. In the west, there is some distrust between France and Italy. And in the north, Germany has exchanged Sweden-Denmark with Russia while England tries to maneuver to recover LIV. F1904 Turkey claims for peace among FEG in order to seek for help against AI. Germany seems to agree but England does not (although he says the contrary). Austria gets two centers from Turkey (RUM and BUL). Turkey only mantains SEV and bounces Italy out of Smyrna. Finaly, it seems that Italy and France get an agreement around Iberia. But there is no agreement between England and Germany. They both grow 1 and it seems that they will continue their war. Also France seems willing to put England out of the Low Countries. S1905 England continues his war with France and Germany. Even he losses the Low Countries, he is making progreses to recover LIV and win DEN. However, the sudden appear of an italian fleet in NAO may disturb him a lot. Austria has ended the russian campaign and started a german one. But the key point of this turn has been the italian stab into Austria by taking TRI and removing his attack into Turkey. Without the italian navy, it will be almost impossible for Austria to destroy Turkey. The south witch needs a very compensated army - navy to be defeated and Austria does not have it. Italy has changed his mind once more. He is doing strange things but he follows the standard italian policy of trying to mantain the balance of power while taking one center from here and one from there. However, I think that he is getting little profit from all this and once someone decides to attack him he will suffer from all this. This may happen soon as Austria may perfectely change his objective from Germany to Italy. F1905 Austria has get rid of the annoying italian in Trieste, but this has forced him to cover two of his centers, which, with the capture of Berlin, will avoid him to build the two units he deserves. Given this, I wonder if the capture of Berlin has been a good idea. Turkey is returned to his home, but Austria has not the correct combination of units to attack him. Italy is once more undecided. England has recovered the unit he lost (he has not lost centers), but he has gifted the North Sea to France. Well, when I started to learn this game, I noticed that the last thingh that England must allow, is the lose of NTS. Even the lose of LVP is better that NTS. If France knows how to exploit that gift, the damage into E may be much worse that all he has done up to now. Austria is the big power now, and England second, but there does not seem to be any coordination to stop this. In this moment I have made a mistake and sent all info concerning number of units and supply centers (but not position of units) to Turkey. Well, it is a serious mistake, but I am very sure that it will not affect the result of the game greatly. These things happen, and the only I can do is apologising for it. S1906 The most remarcable fact from this season is the lack of coordination between France and Germany. What was suposed to be a direct gift from Germany to France of Holland and Munich may turn in nothing. How much easier would have been for France to play Bel - Hol and Bur S Hol - Ruh, so that in Fall both german units would have supported Bur - Mun. Moreover, if France was so sure that he would lose NTS, why supporting from it? With Nts - Edi or Nts - Yor, he had 50% of chances of keeping Lvp. Also Italy has not got all he could from this season. One unit takes Greece, another supports an unexistent austrian move, and a third tries to disturb Austria in Serbia when it was pretty sure that Austria also had another unit in Rumania with nothing better to do than supporting Bulgaria. Well, if we do not see a much higher level of colaboration between the minor countries, this will be a race between Austria and England, although Austria has quite advantatge. F1906 France is the great loser of this turn. England has recovered all he needed (LVP and HOL) without losing anything, and even France has fleets in NTS, WAL and SKA, his attack is voided. Italy has taken SPA from him and he will disband two units. The other loser is Germany who is eliminated, but that was already known. The third loser is Austria who has lost GRE and BUL. And he has nowhere to go on growing from now on. He has no fleets and it will be very difficult to build more. Turkey, even small is always hard to crack and Italy will have enough units to stand him. In the north, England is the only neighbour and he will not gift any center to him. England is the winner of this year. Gets 10 centers, and even he cannot build as much as he could, he has an easy task for 1907 and 1908. Just eating France which will him 3 easy centers while Turkey and Italy mantain Austria stalemated in the south. I doubt that Austria may distract some units to go to north. Even Italy builds 3 units I am not sure to calify this as a victory. Now he is 7, far from 10 England and 11 Austria. But he has stabbed France who was mantaining England at bay instead of helping him. S1907 Austria starts to have serious problems. Even England does not disturb him in the north, his lack of fleets makes him little more than useless against Italy and Turkey. I think we all will learn about this problem along the game. Four austrian armies in a row have wasted their time by a single bounce in Ankara. Moreover, the retreating army in Syria is reckoned with little use. France has managed to enter into Sweden, but he has no chance to remain there in Fall. Moreover, Italy has taken Marseilles from him and he can also lose Brest this Fall. It is quite clear who will be the third eliminated power. Diplomacy will be needed soon. Italy and Turkey cannot advance towards Austria, and Austria cannot get anything from the south either. So, all the jokers are in England's hand. If he gets the correct info and realises of what is happening in the south, he should let AIT stalemated meanwhile he prepares a complete attack which would allow him to get the best from the situation. F1907 England has done it right by assuring Sweden while entering Belgium. The option was to concentrate in ENG or in BEL. In Spring you better go for position, in Fall you better go for centers. Big mistake of Turkey having let A SMY holding. A SMY - SYR would have cut the support from SYR and would have avoided the bounce in the armenian-russian border, thus giving SEV to him. This combined with the loss of BUL leaves Turkey in a difficult decition since his only chance of mantaining 4 centers is retreating into GRE, owned by his new friend Italy. Italy has lost MAR but it was knonw that he could not hold both SPA and MAR while taking BRE. His action has been better than MAO - GAS since GAS - MAR with support from BUR would have left him 1 center down. Anyway, Italy may have the surprise in the retreat phase to realise that he will not build for BRE as he may lose GRE. I wonder if Turkey will aks permission or not. Austria has won one center (BUL) but he will not be able to build (another mistake). The entrance into VEN was impossible, so VIE should better go to BOH or GAL to free a home center. F1907R I do not use to make comments on retreats but this time it is worth talking about it. Turkey has played as a lord and has renounced to take GRE from Italy. The argument is that he needs to defend CON from BUL and he in GRE would not do it. True, but tricky. The fleet in BLA was free to move there. Now he will have to disband a unit and his attack against Austria will be lost. Anyway, Austria has neither any possible attack against T, specially if T removes the fleet. S1908M Now I start to see that this may become an easy english victory. He has had a complete turn of peace (and he may have more) in which he may rearrange all his units to better positions while gathering Berlin from Austria. He has also negotiated with France and this is willing to gift him his centers. Maybe the only mistake of England has been putting two fleets in the BAL-BOT. He will have need of fleets soon and fast in the MID. He may be fearing an austrian unit in MOS to attempt for STP but he has clues enough to know that Austria is far enough from there and his units are engaged in more serious affairs. Only a quick peace among AIT could stop England, and this is far from possible. Turkey remains secure in his corner. Two armies (CON-ARM) are enough to protect Turkey against armies, and only the austrian army in Syria forces a third unit in SMY to defend. If it was not there, that third unit (a fleet) could even play the nuisance against Austria. Austria has taken GRE from Italy, but if he losses BER he will not grow. F1908M England has proclaimed himself as KING of CONVOYS with three of them succesfully landing (and one of them being double ranged). He has not earned any center, but he has positioned well for next year. England had the option of keeping BER but he renounced to it, or maybe he thought that if Austria played MUN - KIE, he would mantain BER with full right. Austria has growed up one more center (GRE), and has lost another unit (the army in Syria). This qualifies him for 3 units (one from the previous year), but he can only build one unit. This delay may become critical for him. Italy is the only one who has to disband a unit this year. S1909 Italy is sadly trusting England and has given BRE to him (not that he could defend it anyway), but now he may realise that England is not precisely cooperating with him, and England has not taken the support given. If I were Italy now, and could see all the map, I would run to lock the straits, and would arrange peace with Austria soon. England has had another season of peace in which he has moved wisely his units. He has looked for no quarrel with Austria. Austria is trying to open himself a little (and try to build what he deserves). Turkey mantains his country locked and his free fleet is starting to move to preassure Austria. Season after season, this is becoming more clearly an english victory. In case the english player was new to this, he could still make a mistake, but knowing him, I am pretty sure that he will disguise his real size as long as possible, until a final strike become unstoppable. F1909 England is trying to show himself as a peaceful power in front of Austria, but this is aware of the danger and starts mailing to Italy and Turkey offering a draw. The problem is that Italy and Turkey have finally met again and they may be willing to put Austria at bay for all the problems they have had lately. This will simply flatten the english task. Maybe what Italy has just seen around Brest, and the english fleet in NAO may make him thinking of the wisdom of the austrian proposal. S1910 France continues having problems with his E-mail, and moreover he does not even answer to my private E-mail. Given his position, I have no will of looking for a replacement, make him read all info of this game and be killed in one or two turns. So I have decided that the army in Paris will hold unless the french player gives me a concrete order for it. Regarding the game, Turkey has finally recovered Bulgaria with the italian help. Had Austria had an army in Rumania, this would not have happened. And this army could have been the recently built in Budapest which was won some time ago but impossible to build given the terrible position of austrian armies. England has started his movement towards Italy and has kicked him out out of the open seas. However, I think that the italian fleets may arrive on time to lock the straits. England has to play very cunningly next season to break either in Spain or Marseilles. On the other front, England tries to appear as peaceful as possible towards Austria. F1910 England has managed to enter NAF. Will it be enough? Italy is running to close his way in. Maybe the most interesting fact this year has been the attempt of Austria into Kiel, of course perfectly defended by England. Also with the move into WAR of an austrian army which I guess, heads STP. The fact is that England may defend now KIE or STP but not both. He will need to move his fleet in NTH to HOL to assure both positions. So, I must declare the austrian attack as a mistake as now England knows what he has to do. If Austria had not attacked now, then England would have met STP defensless next Fall. Now he will stop it. S1911 Austria has finally put his army in LIV to attack STP, but this will help little now as he has to worry about the turkish fleet in BLA. England has also decided to get rid of the french, but he has been removed out from North Africa. His entrance in the MED is really complicated. But Italy has not arranged his mind regarding Turkey, and continues supporting both Turkey in BUL and Austria in TRI as sign of good will. But this policy only helps England. So we have that this turn may mean a serious defeat for England in the military field, but a great victory in the diplomatical one. F1911 Austria has mistaken by using MOS to support SEV. It was almost sure that that support would be cut from STP. Instead, using it against STP, now that would be his, and he would have also noticed that there was noting behind to fear for a couple of turns. Turkey has done the wrong selection by attacking RUM. SEV was a sure option while RUM was only conditional. Italy has managed to kick England out of MID (specially thanks to the english maneuver to take SPA). But this is not serious for England as he can build two units now (PAR and the disbanded one) and may lock the seas in short. On the other side, Italy continues willing to be friend of Turkey and Austria, and this policy brings him nowhere. He is for the draw, but his support to Turkey only enlarges the war. S1912 Really curious season. One could say that England has been defeated now, with the loss of STP and GAS, but I would say that he has won as he will recover STP easily, even without the help of Turkey, and has secured the line around KIE. Italy is dreaming awaken if he thinks that he has improved his position. Yes, he has won WME, MAO and GAS in the last three turns, but this puts him even three turns far from getting any new center. Austria has really lost this year battle, and he has done it because of being too obvious. It was so clear that Turkey would try for SEV after so many attempts that Austria should have played RUM - BUL supported from SER. Given the neutrality of Italy in this affair, this would have kept Austria balanced. Even more curious are the diplomatical attitudes. Italy delights for a draw, but is doing the opposite to what is needed, that is, attacking Turkey. Turkey only wants revenge against Austria, and is ready to lose the game if needed. England is just sitting and waiting. Turkey is working for him. And poor Austria just despears seeing that he cannot convice Italy to do what is needed. F1912 As expected, England recovers STP destroying the austrian army while mantaining the position against Italy. As improvement, another army has arrived to the continent and is ready for action in Germany. Turkey has risked the loss of BUL, but luckily, Italy has supported him while he didn't do last turn. Now Turkey will get a unit and he will need no more the italian help to hold, but will need it to advance. Italy has played once more nonsense. He is playing as if the draw he so often insists, were at easy reach, but every one of his actions puts it further, as he is simply affecting the only one player that agrees in the draw, and benefying Turkey who does not want it, and simply holding England whose victory does not depend on how much he advances in the dotless territories of the western. I think that Austria is close to loss his patience and ready to throw the game. And who will gather the profit of this? Guess: England. If I were Austria now (and maybe some turns before), I would pass my complete status to Italy, so that he could have an almost complete look of the map. Maybe this way, Italy would realise of what is really happening with England and Turkey. S1913 Matters are developing faster. Now Austria has got on Turkey by winning back SEV while keeping RUM (had he done it before!!). Austria completely renounces to the north, and his letter to England explaining the situation has allowed him to deal with Turkey and Italy without being bothered by England. Curious that Austria and Italy have bounced in TYR and TRI after many years of peace there. Now both can feel offended again. The bounce in TYR has affected up to BER where England was going to take his buttiny. I wonder if England will believe that Austria has been bounced by Italy. Well, maybe Italy himself explains this to England unaware that by doing it, he will only make England more confident of the Austrian intentions. Of course, once more the victor of this turn has been England. He has rearranged his armies in north Russia undisturbed, and he has managed to put four fleets around MID. Italy has once more misvalued the power of England and has thought that he could relieve one fleet to attack Austria. MID is lost, but he will need that fleet back to NAO or WME to hold the line there. From the point of view strictly militar, there is still a chance that Italy may turn his mind and decide to help Austria against Turkey and force a 3-draw. But the question is if there will be enough trust from Austria now to believe it. The other question is how long this military chance will hold. F1913 One more step towards english victory. He has gathered what Austria gifted him (Berlin) and also what Austria did not (Warsaw). Moreover, he has got his rights over MID. I have never been able to hold MID from south. The defeat in Gascony has been a minor inconvenience for England, and it cannot be considered but a mistake. A simple BUR - MAR would have left him in even better position. If his objective was to keep BUR, such move almost guarantee that as it was impossible for him to enter MAR. Never HOLD when you have something to do. Italy has twisted one more his mind. The fleet in TYS has had to turn back to WME to close the straits. He will get it, but his fleet in GAS is useless except to return to Spain. He mailed Austria friendly saying that he could attack Bulgaria. That made me though that there was still a chance to stop England, that Italy would turn finally onto Turkey and that the units around Trieste and Venice would serve to force the draw. But the expected support into BUL has become a neutral HOLD, and Italy has tried once more for Trieste. This is not the way to make friends. Turkey will blame Italy as he has lost BUL (plus SEV this turn) and Austria will continue against Italy to blame him for all his pains. Turkey has been the great defeated this year. Will he realise that England has forgotten his promises of attacking Moscow? He is now back to his home centers. Having armies in CON and ARM, he will disband a fleet which is free to bother Austria either in BLA or BUL, but without external help, he will do little else. Maybe he has the key point now to bring the draw. S1914 This year promises to be interesting. In the previous negotiations there has been an intensive comunication between Austria and Italy. Italy Confirmed. Italy and Austria arrange peace and seems to go to stop England. Italy has played wisely this time allowing the destruction of his useless fleet in Gascony which will allow him to build a new unit. But this means that he must retrace his fleet from Greece to close the straits and the new fleet will replace it in TWO years. Will it be on time? England had to guess the free territory to enter. This time was NAF and he missed it. In center Europe, England has opted by the agressive move. Even he has lost WAR, he is now in GAL menacing several austrian centers. Austria had the option of defending both SEV and BUL or risking one of them at 50% chances. He decided the second option and he lost. This may become critical for his defense as he cannot rely on italian fleet which is fleeing towards west. F1914 This is the beginning of the end. A couple of precise mails between Turkey and England have allowed the latter to get a global picture of the map and suggest the perfect moves to the former. This way, Turkey has managed to get SEV while being kicked off from BUL will allow him to enter SER. No problem about leaving CON undefended as he will get two builds this year. Italy has moved his fleet from ION back to GRE (to do nothing) and from now he will have TUN menaced. All these movements for and backwards from Italy since the beginning have carried him to nowhere. This would only have had sense if Austria had retreated to SER instead of GRE. Then SER - BUL and ION - GRE would have hold a little more Turkey. It is incredible to see how Turkey has been able to recover from the defeat last year and grow up to 5 so quickly. Just a support cut from STP, the discoordination between Austria and Italy, and the simple standing of the english army in GAL have been enough to break all the austrian lines in the south. England has renounced to recover WAR. Instead he has assured MUN, thus opening space for a new army from his homeland. In the seas, this time England has chosen for the sure option and has put his feet again in the Mediterranean. Now he sees TUN open and good chances to force the entrance in WES. He has not won any center this year (WAR for MUN) but his victory has been complete. He has an ally who is willing to gift him the victory, and he knows it. So, it is better for him to help Turkey destroying the austrian lines that win himself any center this year. In 1915, Austria will not know what to defend (with two armies less). W1914 Another time to make some comments about mails sent. Turkey mails to Austria offering a truce while also mailing to England explaining this and saying that he will betray such truce to force a fast defeat of Austria and english victory. He even sends advanced orders for such a stab. But before Winter is resolved, a mail from Austria explaining how close is english victory, makes him clear his orders for Spring. Has he changed his mind now? Is still possible to stop England? The answer: next year!!! S1915 No, Turkey has not changed his mind. He simply has showed one hint more of cruelty offering Austria a truce in order to stop England, but he simply has gone directly to hit Austria once more. I realised time ago that this game (Diplomacy, not Duran) is impossible to win on your own. You need to look for friends, stab them later, apologise, ally again, and stab once more. But even the best of this tactics meets at the end a set of angry players who even cannot destroy you can avoid your victory. What you really need at the end of the game is someone whose enemy is not you, but another one, and who by many and different reasons is prefearing your victory than a draw if this means the complete defeat of his real enemy. This is what England has found now in Turkey. F1915 End is closing at fast speed. Austria has lost all hope and is just moving south to hit Turkey, and gifting the north to England. On his own, England has not taken all that he could but only Moscow. In fact, the only thing that delays him is the line on non supply centers that splits Germany from Austria. Anyway, most possibly, we will see the end of the game in 1916. S1916 Just two curiosities to point in this season. Turkey has taken Greece from Italy (just to show the trust in "friends" :-) ), and England has mistaken/joked (!?) in suporting a russian fleet from Rumania into Sevastopol instead of a turkish one. England has got Warsaw and needs two more centers. He can only assure one. Will Austria gift two in order to shorten the pain? F1916 Yes, he has done it. Austria has gifted Vienna to England while the albion has entered Marseilles by his own force, kicking Italy from there. Austria has prefered to recover the "always" austrian center of Serbia and get rid of this pain. Well, it has not been an epic end, but it was the one expected since several turns ago. ENDING WORDS Now that I read these my words written along so much time, I myself enjoy them. I may be a little rude a some times, for which I wish to apologise. I just wanted to put at every time what I saw (or foresaw) of what was happening and I have prefered not to self censure, but have a closer point of view of the right moment instead of making an overall review now. Just want to congratulate the winner, England, who by the way, is the same winner of the two previous blind games. This is the advantatge of gunboat games, as you do not know anything outside game from your opponents, and he also cleverly showed himself as novice at the beggining. He was also very brave when decided to fight against all his neighbours but he got most advantatge of the blind fact as the enemies could not see what was happening, and they all could not trust all that was said. Eric (England) has become profident in this after several blind games and gets the most from it. Of course, he must always trust a bit with luck, even luck in this game depends highly in the fact of your words convincing or not your enemies, so, "luck" is subject of manipulation. He was also "lucky" in having a turkish player willing to gift him the game, but this situation is reached after several "years" of diplomacy, and this is not an instant fact, so the gifting player may change his mind and it is matter of words getting him to mantain it. Well, I also want to thank the rest of players, those who have survived up to the end, and those who were eliminated. I think we have had no replacements (or very few, I have to check it yet), so this means that all players that started it, have mantained. This is very great, as this have saved all of us (specially me) a lot of time and efforts. I also want to thank the observers for their patient waiting. As always offer myself for a new blind game (if there is no other volunter) which could start, let us say, next January. I am already open for volunteers to play in it. Observers will have preference, and after, the current players. In case of need, I may look for more players outside. Please, send me more EOG reports. Merry Xmas to all.